Out the Comet's Ass

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sierra Lamar - Astrolocality Chart

I just read that, in addition to Sierra Lamar, 2 other teenage girls went missing in the Morgan Hill area at the beginning of the year.  They, like Sierra Lamar, went missing on a Friday.  I read this on an internet forum and I didn't even take down their names or read about their situations. That certainly makes it look like someone was getting ready to have some big week-ends.

I hadn't pulled up an astrolocality chart because I don't have a full chart for anything or anyone involved in Sierra Lamar's disappearance. So I just set the chart of her disappearance for 7:15 am. 

This chart gives a Sun-Uranus-Mercury RX conjunction on the Ascendant.  I think that will describe the perpetrator.  I've written about that before.  This describes a shocking and unexpected event that was committed by a person with those characteristics.  The perpetrator would be repeating past behaviors.  Mercury Rx brings events and people to us from the past.  Uranus is related to cycles of deep history.  Uranus connects us to others through our friends, groups, strangers, mental distancing, friendliness, innovation, hopes, wishes.  In the sign of Pisces there will be confusion, fogginess, boundarilessness (not a real word), drugs, gas, escape, large bodies of water, self undoing.

These lines are passing through Southern California between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.  They go down through the Northern part of Baha and up through Nevada and Eastern Oregon and Washington.

If Sierra, and the two other girls who went missing, have been sold into a sex trafficking ring this will possibly be indicated by the Venus-Jupiter-Lilith conjunction which was occurring in the 2d house in Taurus in the event chart.  Don't know about the other girls but this may be connected with drug traffickers from Nicaragua and Honduras because those lines travel through those countries.  The Venus-Lilith-Jupiter lines travel up into the U.S. through New Orleans and up into a bunch of Midwestern states that nobody really goes to. 

At any rate, I've read on Wikipedia that Nicaragua and Honduras have established ties with trafficking women in the U.S.  There is a Grand Trine in the event chart of Sierra's disappearance between Venus-Lilith-Jupiter in Taurus (H2); Mars 9 Virgo Rx in (H6); and Moon-Pluto in Capricorn (H10).  The earth shows business and money.  All those planets together can show sexual activity and opportunism. 


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