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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

James Wright Foley, RIP

ISIS has released video of the beheading of an U.S. Journalist, James Wright Foley. Foley was kidnapped from outside an Internet cafe in Binesh, Syria on Nov. 22, 2012. He was held captive since that along with other journalists. One other journalist, Steven Joel Sotloff, was seen in the same video apparently (I didn't watch) and his life was threatened as well.

Here's a video of James Foley's parents talking about their son:  http://news.yahoo.com/james-foley-parents-video-183644711.html

James Wright Foley
b. Oct. 18, 1973 place?

Sun 26 Libra; Moon Cancer, Leo; NN 1 Capricorn

One can see from the emphasis on cardinal signs in the main elements of Foleys chart that he was an initiator and a leader. His Libra Sun was peace seeking. It disposits to Venus which is at 11 Sagittarius showing a desire to travel and work with other cultures, perhaps in an extreme way as Venus is out of bounds in the chart at 24 degrees 43' S declination. Venus may also be unaspected depending what sign the Moon is in. There was an eclipse back in April which directly triggered Foley's Sun.

I was eager to look at the placement of Mars since Mars indicates violence. Mars is placed at 4 Taurus Rx natally. This means that Mars, like the Sun, also disposits to Venus in Foley's chart. Mars stands out as it is retrograde. I checked to see if it had come out of Retrograde by secondary progression yet and amazingly it turns out that mars Stationed direct at 26 Aries the year before Foley was kidnapped.  This is exactly opposing his natal Sun and Uranus conjunction. The combination of these 3 energies together can bring about shocking, rebellious, and volatile events.  There is a huge conflict between the energies of the sun in Libra and the Mars in Taurus which are nonviolent, and the combinations of these planetary energies together.   The day that Foley was kidnapped, transiting Mars was at 4 Capricorn which is in conjunction with his natal North Node and also transiting Pluto at 8 Capricorn.

Foley had two Yods, or "fingers of God".  These are triangle aspects which combine 2 inconjunct (aspects which require adjustment of some kind) with a sextile (easy aspect indicating talent). Both yods include Mars inconjunct Neptune 6 Sagittarius. Mars is apex of one yod and Neptune of the other. This probably shows the martyrdom which Foley got caught in. I'm not clear how to interpret yods but think they play an important part in Foleys life. On the day of Foleys kidnapping both the transiting Sun and progressed Sun were in conjunction with natal Neptune (martyr) in Sagittarius (international affairs, journalism).


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