Out the Comet's Ass

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Lilith Fair

Yesterday we had the first Total Lunar Eclipse in three years. By coincidence I had signed up to attend an All Girls Writing Conference. Moon rules Women so I thought that this would be a very interesting way to spend the day, with women. But Moon also rules emotions and it turned out to be a very emotional day. I have a difficult Moon placement and am completely afraid of women and women who gather together without men tend to be very strong personalities. Where they proudly flaunt their overweight bodies calling themselves Rubenesques I see nothing but fodder for Diabetes meds and Heart Surgeons. Anyway, what I really needed was information on how to edit your blog when you suffer from ADD, maybe also how to add images so you can add charts. What the Fair offered was probing after probing of why women should never ever feel guilt over anything that they do much less ever apologize. Actually, those Liliths are excellent teachers, extremely talented and generous with their knowledge and the workshops were extremely useful. I just personally think that there's a whole new breed that needs to be spawned that actually looks at female guilt instead of trying to deny it should exist at all.

Besides that, they wear too much purple. OK: (from Rex Bills) Purple: Jupiter, Sagg; Light Purple: (Mercury), Royal or Deep Purple (Sun, Pluto); Violet: Jupiter, Mercury, Gemini, Virgo (Venus, Aquarius); Lavender: Neptune (Mercury); Red-Violet (Pisces); Blue-Violet (Saturn). No Mars Actions I guess but that God Damned Color takes up almost the entire horoscope! Rex doesn't give a Rulership for Battleaxes. Battalions are ruled by Mars. Amazons also not mentioned.

But, truth is, these are wonderful and strong people who are forging new roads for younger generations. God knows, that's just not my gig.

One Wonderful and Strong Woman self-published her confessions and handed out flyers where she gave her birth information. Whoopee! A Wonder Woman for me to concentrate on. Her story truly is Wonderful and Strong and Inspiring. I won't give her birth info or name but she is a Sagittarius, probably with Aries Moon and North Node in Pisces. So, she's a fireball, intuitive and enthusiastic and optimistic. She was born with the Astrological Software to burn through life's obstacles.

Not only is the Eclipse happening on her Nodes, but she is having a Nodal Return. Uranus is conjunct her North Node and Jupiter is conjunct her n.Venus which is squaring her Nodes. So, that's very strong for publishing and educational pursuits and Women's fairs. Her chart is interesting because so many of the outer planets are so close to the cusps, wonder if this means that she handles change and transition very well. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron included. That's all the outer planets.

She lists her major life events on the flyer and has now written a book about coming to terms with secrets and unfinished business from the past. If you can wade through the technical lingo the transits-progressions are pretty amazing to compare with the life events.

1987: Age 16, Dropped out of High School.

T. Uranus c. n.Sun. P. Sun c. n. Mercury Prog. Mars c. n.North Node. T. Saturn right between conjunction with n.Venus and n. Sun. t. Jupiter c. n. Chiron and opposite n.Pluto. The t. North Node may have been conjunct her n.Moon.

1981: Age 18, Pregnant, Boyfriend, went on Welfare

T. Neptune c. n. Sun, t. Uranus c. n. Neptune; t. Jupiter-Saturn exactly c. n.Uranus, just past conjunction with n. Pluto. t. Pluto c. n. Jupiter

1998: Accepted Christianity into Life and gained emotional strength.

Saturn Return. Neptune sextile n.Neptune. Uranus trine n. Uranus. Jupiter trine n.Jupiter and c. n. Mars. There may have been a couple of aspects between Moon and Saturn. Progressed Sun-Mercury-Venus conjunct within 2 degrees in Capricorn and trining natal Saturn-transiting Saturn.

2003: Return to School for her High School Diploma.

P.Sun on last degree of Capricorn, moving into Aquarius. t. Uranus c. n.Mars, t.Pluto just past c. n.Venus (squaring Nodes). t. Saturn opposite n.Sun.

Has a Husband of 22 years, 4 daughters, publishing book of her writings. She wants her writing to speak to those who need to get over the secrets and shame of their past. It's interesting that her chart is the shape between a Bowl shape and a Locomotive shape. Saturn and Pluto are the boundary planets so almost half of her chart is empty. She turned to religion just at her Saturn Return and as Saturn was just starting to venture out into this new space. Perhaps the intensity of the conjunctions subsided enough to let her concentrate on these new ventures.

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