Extraordinary Baby Week
So, Cardinal Signs represent new beginnings and maybe we should be expecting a whole lot of interesting new developments over the next couple of years as Pluto and then Uranus are on these points. The Solstice and Equinox points (beginnings of Seasons) may be more vital in Astrological interpretation than usual even.
The birth of a baby would certainly be a new beginning. The Autumn Equinox at Sun at 1 Libra squaring Pluto at 1 Capricorn has certainly brought news about exceptional situations regarding the births of babies this week. Neither of those signs is connected with the births of babies. However, Mars' transit through Cancer which might also be contributing. Unusual and Weird come under the rulership of Uranus which is just finishing up its final opposition to Saturn in Virgo (medical procedures). Both births that I'm talking about here were delivered via caesarian section. Age of the Mothers in both cases, 40 and 41 seems to show problems related to older women having children. This could become an issue with Pluto's presence in Capricorn, the sign of old age.
First story is of a big baby boy was born in Northern Sumatra who was born weighing more than 19 pounds due to his mother's diabetic condition during pregnancy. He has since been given the middle name of "Akbar" which means "big" in Sumatran. "Akbar" was more than 2 feet tall and his cry is said to sound like a lion's roar. This boy is the biggest baby ever born in his country. This is the 4th pregancy for the mother, all the previous births were normal.
Baby kept nameless except for his middle name "Akbar" which means "Big" in Sumatran
b. Sept. 21, 2009 (Monday) Medan, Indonesia
Sun 29 Virgo; Moon Libra if born in Morning, Scorpio if born in Afternoon; NN 28 Capricorn Rx
The Sun and Mercury Rx were both in conjunction with Saturn in Virgo. They are also squaring Pluto. Virgo is related to health conditions. The Sun related to Saturn and Pluto can show a difficulty with elimination within the vitality. Saturn and Pluto are also related to extreme proportions in size and scale in the arts, so maybe they can also relate literally to the human body. And a major factor here is Saturn's opposition to Uranus in Pisces.
For a baby born of a very large size it would be really cool to see if the planets that rules large things, which have been in conjunction with each other, were passing over the Ascendant. Jupiter is involved in anything big (expansion) as is Neptune (no boundaries). These two are in conjunction with each other and with Chiron. This would have been passing over the Ascendant around 4 pm Sumatran time. Sure would be interested to know what time "Akbar" was born to see if it corresponds with this passage. The Ascendant, I believe, corresponds with conditions related to an individual's birth.
World's largest baby on record weighed 23 pounds and was born Jan. 19, 1879 to the World's Tallest couple in Seville, Ohio, U.S.
This baby boy passed away 11 hours after birth. Interesting the correspondences with current astrology. Saturn and Uranus were in the opposite signs where they are now but not opposing each other. There was very close to both a Nodal Return (cusp of Capricorn-Aquarius) and a Jupiter Return in Aquarius. Not only that but Chiron was conjunct Neptune (different sign, Taurus then, Aquarius now).
Second strange story: A Fertility Clinic in an unknown midwest town planted the embryo of a Detroit, Michigan couple into the womb of an Ohio woman and discovered their mistake 10 days later.
This happened back in February so perhaps the Solar Eclipse on Jan. 26 and the Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 9 can somehow account for this error.
In Astrological shorthand, Mars and Uranus together represent Accidents and Uranus and Pluto together represent mistakes.
Back in February, the Sun's position in Aquarius would have disposited to Uranus. And Uranus was in opposition to Saturn which would have been exact to the degree on Feb. 5, 2009.
Uranus does things differently. Either way, the Ohio woman brought the baby to term as a surrogate and has handed it over to the Michigan couple with no strings attached. Such a heartful act is also very Uranian, only happens if one can distance one's self mentally from the inner needs. There are a few other instances listed on the Internet of instances when this has occurred and people have made different choices about how to handle the situation.
Uranus also describes the Shock involved around the pregnancy and also the high tech and manmade nature of the artificial insemination procedure. Saturn in Virgo perhaps could indicate problems through medical procedures. (I just went to a doctor yesterday and my records were full of errors so I wonder if this is pretty widespread right now.)
The Saturn Uranus opposition happens every 45+ years. It will make 5 passes of exact opposition during the current opposition cycle.
- The first opposition happened on Election Day, Nov. 4, 2008.
- The 2d one happened on Feb. 5, 2009.
- The 3d one happened Sept. 15, 2010. (Amazing how the oppositions correspond by Month to the events related to this accidental pregnancy.
- 4th happens on April 26, 2010 but in different signs, Libra and Aries
- 5th happens on July 26, 2010, Libra and Aries
For most of February the North Node was accompanied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune. How's that for describing a phone call (Mercury) regarding a Mistaken (Mars in Aquarius) artificial insemination (Uranus?) that will lead to a feeling of martyrdom (Neptune) that will lead to the birth of a baby boy (Mars, Jupiter). The emotional pain and shock that the couple suffered is described in the CNN story quoted below. Because of her age, Carolyn Savage will not be able to conceive another child and is going to have to use a surrogate herself.
Interesting CNN story describing the shock (Uranus) that came with hearing about the pregnancy:
"We were waiting and waiting and the call seemed like it would never come," Savage said.
Finally, around 4 p.m., Carolyn's husband, Sean, got the call at work.
"The doctor told me in one sentence, 'Carolyn is pregnant, but we transferred the wrong embryos,'" he said. "I didn't even know that could physically happen. It was a total shock, totally beyond the realm of possibility."
In a tragic mix-up, the Savages say the fertility clinic where Carolyn underwent in vitro fertilization implanted another couple's embryos into Carolyn's uterus.
In essence, she had become an unwitting surrogate for another family.
After receiving the news, Sean hung up the phone and drove straight home to tell his wife in person.
"He walked in and was as white as a sheet," Carolyn said. "He told me, and I think he repeated himself two or three times, and I kept saying 'You're joking.' I kept yelling at him stop it but there was nothing on his face indicating a joke."
Watch more on the Savages and their reaction to their situation ยป
Incredulity turned to shock, and when that shock melted, so did the couple's hope for having another child of their own. At the time, Carolyn was 39 and her chances of having a child naturally after this one were waning.
"That was the beginning of a very treacherous and emotional journey for us," said Sean.
"I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life," said Carolyn. "It was such a nightmare and, in a way, I felt violated."
Labels: Aries Points, Birth, Jupiter-Neptune, Medicine, Saturn-Uranus, Solstice Points
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