Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RIP Paul The Octopus

Paul the Octopus, who predicted the outcome of the World Cup Scores from his tank in Germany, died yesterday. I talked about him previously and just took another look at his chart. He embodies the Neptune-Chiron conjunction in Aquarius. He was born while the North Node was at the end of Aquarius as well and has died just as the Neptune-Chiron conjunction was about to pass over that point. Highly psychic. Able to communicate across all boundaries. He knew what we were thinking and we don't have a clue what he was thinking. Paul was either a Capricorn or an Aquarius Sun.

At any rate, Paul was born in January, 2008 according to Wikipedia. He was perhaps born during a Mars Retrograde in Gemini which opposed Jupiter and Pluto. This means that he would have had great interest in Sports and all forms of competition.


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