Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Does It Do?

Story about how Bill Nye the Science Guy passed out while giving a lecture at University of Southern California and nobody in the audience got up to help him. They just pulled out their smart phones and began to twitter the story.


I had to wonder which outer planet generation is this? I've been noticing that the younger people in who live in my area are totally snotty brats but just figured that was a caste system thing. And, yeah, lots of money and bad upbringing.

Then I remembered. Well, it's USC. The student body is either rich kids or affirmative action kids who aren't going to do anything about some white guy in need. Then I thought, oh yeah, here they come, the Pluto in Scorpios. I just got a Plutonian "friend" off my ass who was healing me from afar with her ultra sonic ego, uh, vibe. Then I remembered, oh yeah, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune in Capricorn.

Can somebody please ram Faust down these brats' throats? While some of us were watching the BP Oil Spill and freaking out about the poisoned birds these kids were studying about how to make it happen again sometime soon, maybe in two places at once. I keep thinking that wow these kids are probably raised by the Pluto in Virgo and Neptune in Scorpio generation. As a Sun in Cancer I knew enough about parenting instinct to know that I wasn't born with any. I guess others thought they could fake it.


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