Will Rome Have An Earthquake on May 11?
Italians sure are good at predicting earthquakes. No one believes them. But, that doesn't stop them from trying to save everyone's lives. Remember that guy who almost got thrown in jail a couple of years ago? It's just the weird Uranus energy of earthquakes I guess, why people won't believe. Or maybe it's annoying to have to make plans ahead of time for something that may not happen. But, just think of all the other things that people will believe without questioning. Gossip and Rumor, for example. Everyone believes psychiatrists but their track record sucks when you bother to think about it. People believe the Weather man. People believe Politicians. Actually people just like to complain after the fact that Politicians don't live up to their campaign promises, they probably don't really ever believe them in the first place. People believe Drug Addicts. People trust illegal immigrants with pretty much everything. Most dangerous chemicals. Hotel Room keys. Children. It's amazing. They wouldn't trust any American from the same economic level, that's for sure.
Anyway, there was this incredible Italian seismologist who was both believed and disbelieved. He predicted 3 earthquakes. And then he apparently never told anyone how he did it. Just some story about how he walked on the beach one day and ideas came to him. But, thing is, he said there was something about how the Planets line up with, uh, the Sun and the Moon. And the Earth's crust....
Okay, time for an Interlude, just thinking about Italy and crusty things makes me so hungry:
"moon hits you in the eye like a big pizza pie it's Amooooorrrrreeeeee!"
Raffaele Bendandi
b. Oct. 17, 1893 Faenza, Italy
Sun 25 Libra; Moon Capricorn; NN 20 Aries
So, Bendandi was hyper Cardinal. That fits with the Cardinal Sign/Earthquake theory. He possibly had a t-square in his natal chart which included the Sun, Moon and Nodal Axis. That means that he grew up absorbing the tension from his parents' miserable marriage. His Sun 25 Libra is in conjunction with the South Node and Saturn 17 Libra. He also has Mars 10 Libra. Don't have his birth time so don't have his correct Moon placement. Noon places Moon in mid Capricorn. With this Saturn, Venus stuff he could pretty much hear the rumblings in his bones.
But what else? His prediction dates show heavy influence on his natal chart. Bendandi was born during the big psychic conjunction of Pluto to Neptune in Gemini which was occurring around the years that he was born. Pluto is at 11 Gemini and Neptune is is 14 Gemini Rx. He also had Jupiter 1 Gemini. They are opposing Venus 7 Sagittarius and inconjunct a conjunction of Mercury 12 Scorpio to Uranus 11 Scorpio. That's hyper sensitive and intuitive at the same time. Don't try to simulate this at home by yourself. You were born into the wrong time zone.
Also, in the predictions I'm looking at the Sun is opposing major outer planets. It doesn't in Wednesday's earthquake, but the Sun will be squaring Moon in the Morning and the Nodal Axis will be at a key point. I haven't looked up all of his predictions though, just the ones for Italy. The Moon will oppose Neptune-Chiron in Pisces at some point during the day.
Here are some of his predictions which I found off a website and did right down URL. I think it's http://scienceray.com/earth-sciences etc.
May 11, 2011 Rome, Italy
Sun 21 Taurus; Moon Leo or Virgo; NN 26 Sagittarius
Moon oppose Neptune-Chiron
Sun square Moon early morning
Grand Trine: NN 26 Sagittarius trine Moon Leo trine Venus 25 Aires Mercury 25 Aries Jupiter 25 Aries Mars 1 Taurus.
This is the last pass of the big outer planet T-square within orb: apex Pluto 8 Capricorn square Saturn 12 Libra Rx opposing Uranus 4 Aries
Marsica Earthquake
Jan. 13, 1915 Marsica, Italy
Sun 23 Capricorn; Moon prob. Sagittarius, Capricorn if very late, NN 24 Aquarius
Sun c. Mars 17 Capricorn Mercury 28 Capricorn opposite Neptune 30 Cancer Rx
Saturn 28 Gemini c. Pluto 1 Cancer maybe opposite Moon
Jupiter 26 Aquarius c. NN 29 Aquarius trine Saturn-Pluto Cancer
Senigallia Earthquake
Jan 4, 1924 Senigallia, Italy was 2 days off for this prediction, thought it was Jan 2, place was off
Sun 11 Capricorn; Moon Scorpio; NN 5 Virgo
Sun opposite Pluto 12 Cancer Rx
Jupiter 9 Sagittarius square NN 5 Virgo
Grand Water Trine: Uranus 15 Pisces trine pluto 12 Cancer trine Mars 19 Scorpio-Moon 15 Scorpio
Mercury 29 Capricorn square Saturn 1 Scorpio
Venus 9 Aquarius maybe square Moon
Frivoli Earthquake
May 6, 1976 Gemma del Frioli, Italy
Sun 17 Taurus (H5); ASC 7 Sagittarius; Moon 12 Leo (H8); MC 30 Virgo; NN 13 Scorpio Rx.
Sun 17 Taurus c. SN opposite Uranus 5 Scoprio-NN 13 Scorpio Rx square Moon 12 Leo
Mars 25 Cancer c. Saturn 28 Cancer
H1: Neptune 14 Sagittarius trine Moon (H8)
Neptune rules H4 (empty)
Will look at some other stuff later, computer just crashed.
Labels: Aries NN, Cardinal, Earthquakes, Libra, Neptune-Pluto
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