Sabotage, South San Jose
Really great charts for studying sabotage. There have been 2 incidences of sabotage of what seems to be focused on AT&T in South San Jose. The events occurred 4 years apart yet the charts have amazing similarities. The first event occurred in 2009 and involved cutting fiber optic cables which cut off service. The second event occurred in 2013 and involved shooting out the transformer in a power station. Both events occurred during an Aries sun while Pluto, the planet of sabotage and most crime, was in the first house.
Fiber Optic Cables cut, South San Jose
Apr. 9, 2009. 1:15 am south San Jose
Sun 20 Aries, Moon 17 Libra, Asc Sagittarius, mc 18 Libra, nn 7 Aquarius
Pluto 4 Capricorn (H1)
Full moon layered over Ic/mc axis. Sun conjunct Ic.
Jupiter rules chart and is in h2 conjunct Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius.
Shooting at Power Station south San Jose
Sun 27 Aries, moon 3 cancer, Asc 4 Capricorn, mc 25 Libra, nn 17 Scorpio
Pluto 12 Capricorn (h1)
Saturn ruler of chart, in h10, Scorpio. Moon conjunct Descendent.
Sun conjunct mars 27 Aries and Venus at Ic.
Sun at bottom of charts suggest power and territory.
Venus is in conjunction with mars in both charts. In both charts mars rules Ic and Venus rules the mc again suggesting territory and governance. The pair are in conjunction with Uranus in the fiber optic chart and are in conjunction with the Sun in the shooting chart.
Saturn is lead planet of bucket shapes in both charts.
Sun and moon are both in cardinal signs and on angles in both charts.
Ceres is in a grand trine in both charts.