Over the River and Through the Woods
I'm a Cancer and it's said we love to cook but I find it incredibly boring and tend to forget about things and they shrivel up in the pan. It would be fun to someday speculate on what Al and Priscilla's Birth Signs were as a way of celebrating Thanksgiving (My Mother called "John" "Al, we live in California and don't really have a sense of what the Pilgrims were all about). I think they must have been hardy Earth/Fire Sign stock.
And Pocohontas? Who knows.
And the Peace Pipe? That got the Native Americans into a lot of trouble.
And the guns? That won the Pale Faces a whole continent.
But, this is neither here nor there.
Instead, may I present to you (the reader who doesn't even exist) a break-down of that Thanksgiving Song we used to have to sing as kids according to Astrological Rulerships. (Thanks mostly to Rex Bills' Rulership Book)
Okay, ah one, ah two...
Over the river and through the woods
"over" = upper half of chart wheel, Saturn/Capricorn?
"River" = Moon/Cancer (Neptune, Pisces)
"Through" = H1-H7 Axis?
"Woods" = (Saturn, Capricorn, Neptune, Libra)
To Grandmother's house we go
"Grandmother" = Mom's Mom = H7 / Dad's Mom = H1
"Grandmother's House" = Mom's Mom = H10 / Dad's Mom = H4
We Go = H3 if by car, H9 if by plane, H4 if by boat, oh yeah, this is by sleigh, hmmm, H3?
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
"Horse" = Jupiter, H9, Sagittarius, Pisces
"Horse Knows" = Well, mostly Pisces, maybe with a little help from Gemini, H3, Mercury
"To Carry" = interesting use of words, "pulling" is one thing, "dragging is another, "carrying" has a H4 overtone
"The Sleigh" = (Moon)
Through white and drifted snow
"Through" = H1/H7?
"White" Moon, Neptune, Pisces (Venus Libra Aries)
"Drifted" = Neptune
"Snow" = Saturn, Capricorn (Neptune)
Over the river and through the woods
Oh how the wind does blow
"Oh" = Exclamatory Remarks that add Drama: Sun, Leo
"Wind" = mild = Mercury; strong = Uranus
"Blow" = Aries/H1?
It stings the toes and bites the nose
"Stings" = Mars
"Trees" = (Leo, Saturn Cancer Taurus Libra)
"Bites" = Mars
"Nose" = Scorpio, Mars, (Aries, Jupiter)
As over the ground we go
"Over" = already discussed above
"Ground" = Saturn, H4
"We Go" = already discussed abover
[Everybody now]
Everybody = Aquarius, H11
Repetition = Virgo? Definitely not Gemini, I'm ready to slit my throat from all this busy work
Over the river and through the woods
To Grandmother's house we go
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow
Over the river and through the woods
Oh how the wind does blow
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go
Instrumental = Venus
Over the river and through the woods
yeah, yeah, yeah
And through the barnyard gate
Through = H1/H7?
"Barnyard" = "Barns" = (Virgo Libra Saturn) Yards around a home = Cancer, H4, Front yards = Leo
"Gate" = Saturn, Capricorn (Uranus)
We seem to go extremely slow
"We" = Aquarius
"Seem" = Hmm, Appearances as Capricornian
"To Go" = Aries, Mars
"Extremely" = Jupiter
"Slow" Saturn, Capricorn
Impatience in General is so totally Sadge
It is so hard to wait
"Hard" = Saturn
"To Wait" = Saturn
Over the river and through the woods
yeah, yeah, yeah
Now Grandmother's cap I spy
"Now" = Aries, Virgo
"Cap" = Aries
"I spy" = Mercury (Moon Sun Aquarius) Spying = Pluto
Hooray for the fun
"Hooray" = Leo
"Fun" = Venus, H5
Is the pudding done?
"Pudding" = not mentioned in Bills, Moon and Neptune?
"To be Finished" = H4
Hooray for the pumpkin pie
"Pumpkin" = Cancer, H4
"Pie" = not mentioned, bakeries = Cancer, H4, Mars
Hooray for the fun
Is the pudding done?
Hooray for the pumpkin pie
This much Fun has got to be Jupiter thing.
Source for the lyrics plus a picture of horse, sleigh, snow, and drunk uncles with whip:
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