I Spy With My Little Eye...
This is going to be a sloppy, gossipy little tidbit about Galileo. I've been given precise information from off of his own charts as he himself wrote them down and I still can't figure out his birth time. It's either Feb. 15, 1564 Pisa Italy or Feb. 16, 1564. I guess he saw himself as having 14 Leo Rising if born on the 16th, so I'm game, I'll go with that. Although I prefer the Feb. 15 chart with Libra Rising. I'm rambling already.
Here's the thing. Galileo played around with all kinds of inventions and gadgets like your basic Aquarius and one night while he was fooling around with his newly ground telescope lens he discovered 3 tiny little orbs around Jupiter. In the next few days these little orbs moved and he discovered a fourth one on the 4th day. Sounds Biblical. Well, actually, the Bible, or rather the Church, is what got him in trouble with the Holy Romans because by noticing that these little orbs orbiting around Jupiter, he reaffirmed what Copernicus had said earlier about the Earth revolving around the Sun (I think 20 years earlier, Galileo had a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction so 20 years fits (Jupiter & Saturn conjunct every 20 years)). And eventually Galileo was accused of being a heretic, another basic Aquarius quirk.
So, yay, the Moons gravitate around Jupiter. Thing is, another guy, a Bavarian named Simon Marius claimed to have discovered the same thing on pretty much the same day. Galileo got credit for the discovery but I thought I would check their charts to check for clues to see if this really was some kind of incredible coincidence. Guess those guys were all into telescopes in those days, even the Capricorns. Galileo actually rushed to publish his discovery 2 months later so I kind of get the feeling he knew about his competition. Fortunately for him, Capricorns are slow.
Galileo Galilei
b. Feb. 15, 1564 22:30 after sunset or Feb. 16, 1564 around 4PM Pisa, Italy
Simon Marius
b. Jan. 10, 1573 Gunzenhausen, Bavaria
Funnily enough, both men may have had Moon in Sagittarius (Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so maybe they were simpatico with its moons). Marius had a Yod in his chart so of course nobody ever gave him credit for anything, it's part of the Yodal experience that everything is always just out of reach. How starlike. On the dates of discovery, Mars, Venus and Mercury were all in Sagittarius. Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Gemini opposite them and trining Saturn in Aquarius. Good star gazing weather astrologically, guess the skies weren't too cloudy considering it was dead of Winter
Galileo's discovery of the first 3 Moons was on Jan. 7, 1610. He discovered the fourth four days later. By Funky astro coincidence there was a total Lunar Eclipse on Jan. 9, 1610 12:43 pmUT Saros No. 118. So the Sun was opposite the Moon and they were both conjunct the Nodes at 18 Cancer/Capricorn. Fated occurances. Galileo had natal NN at 7 Capricorn. Marius had natal NN at 14 Cancer so they were looped into the energy.
Sun and Mars will indicate whether people are in competition with each other. Marius' Mars was at 27 Aquarius conjunct Galileo's natal Sun at 26 Aquarius. Not only that but Marius' progressed Sun and progressed Mercury were conjunct at 28 Aquarius on his natal Mars. So, his progressed Sun was conjunct Galileo's natal Sun. So, yes, they were in competition with each other.
Galileo went on to discover in September of that same year that Venus goes through phases like the Earth's Moon. He had a Venus-Pluto conjunction in Pisces natally. And, with the Leo Rising chart, his progressed Venus and t. Pluto were conjunct in his 10th house, just past the MC.
Galileo was going through his Uranus opposition this year. (Oh yeah, that year). This is the Divorce aspect and I guess this was the same year that he broke up with his mistress who had given birth to three of his children, one of which was the Nun who is written about in Galileo's Daughter. I didn't read the book but just saw the movie.
There's more but I'm just very restless these days. Guess the Mars-Uranus-NN conjunction is just wrecking my concentration.