Through the Peephole with Erin Andrews
One of the biggest nightmares of being a single woman staying in a hotel is, well, it's all kinds of things. The boogers and unmentionable body hairs on the pillows and the towels. The bed bugs. The cigarette smoke. The goopy gop on the remote control. The Salad Dressing that gets added to your Conditioner. The cooking grease that gets added to your Lotion. The fact that when the maid is having a bad day she will scrub everything in the room with toilet water, including the drinking glasses and the coffee pots. But one of the biggest problems facing women in particular are the security measures. How can you look into one of those mirrors and not wonder if they are two way mirrors. How can you ever feel safe in a room with the connecting doors with the flimsy locks. How do you know if the smoke alarms aren't rigged with cameras. Well, it turns out that these phobias are now officially considered real problems. A beautiful blond bombshell sports caster this year found a video of herself walking around naked in a hotel room being played on porn sites all over the Internet. Because of her fame I guess she found out about this so in a sick sort of a way she is lucky. She can pursue the violators and seek justice. And, because of her fame, Andrews is made all the greater a victim.
Anyway, just thought I'd take a look at the Sportscaster's chart since I've found a birth date for her. At this point I sort of wonder if it would be the correct date, source is Wikipedia.
Erin Andrews
b. May 4, 1978 Lewiston, Maine
Sun 14 Taurus; Moon Aries; NN 4 Libra
News reports are saying that the video was first identified with Andrews on Feb. 17, 2009. It is thought that the hotel is in Omaha, Nebraska where Andrews was staying during the College World Series. I don't have a date for the event. Nobody is being given the name of the hotel chain, but, boy, wouldn't we like to know.
First off, I noticed that Andrews has a t-square of Sun in Taurus opposing Uranus in Scorpio and squaring Mars in Leo. A hard aspect like this could show why Andrews, a woman, would choose the job, a man's job, that she has. This is a very masculine combination set together in a challenging way with each other. Uranus likes to express itself through unusual outlets and being a female in a man's sports world would not bother Andrews as much as it would others. This combination also carries an element of surprise and unexpected events which unfold throughout the life.
Andrews Sun is conjunct her Chiron as well. Chiron is a teacher and suffers a wounding that she can help others with through her own suffering. It's very interesting that Andrews' Sun-Chiron conjunction has arced to 6-14 Gemini right over her natal Venus at 9 Gemini. This means that the entire stressful t-square, which indicates a very masculine energy) is hammering on the planet in her chart which indicates her female nature. As Venus rules her North Node (indicator of Destiny) this is affecting her more than it might others (don't know if that is a legitmate interpretation but will put it in).
The other planet which typically shows how a woman expresses herself is, of course, the Moon. Don't have a placement for Andrews' Moon except to say that in her noontime chart (assuming this is the correct chart), it will be placed in the middle of Aries so it is very probably in that sign. This is another masculine aspect. As the moon indicates how a person's feelings emerge through the subconscious, this is not always an easy match for a woman to deal with. Her natural tendency is to be open and forthright and aggressive, not necessarily classical female traits by society's standards. Her natural instinct will be to put herself first. This can offend.
First off, it's good to keep in mind Planetary Rulerships while looking at this chart. Rex Bills says that Saturn and Moon rule Embarrassment; Pluto rules Victims. One's sexuality is represented mostly by Pluto, Venus, Mars among others. Pluto rules Spying.
Very interesting here is to notice that Andrews may have a wide conjunction/opposition of Moon c. Mercury opposing natal Pluto. This would be set over the Nodal Axis in her chart. Pluto conjunct the Libra North node will bring some times of crisis to an individual as well as a drive for personal power. It will be interesting to see what experts determine was the method of peeping used. Hopefully the perpetrators will be found. Since Mercury and Moon are co-rulers of "mirrors" and these two planets are possibly conjunct Andrews' natal South Node it will be interesting to see if the spying was done through 2 way mirrors. First the media reported that the cameras were thought to be installed in the peephole in the door. Now they say that they think that there was a connecting door to another room. It seems odd that a celebrity would be put into one of these types of rooms since they are so much less private and secure.
It's interesting how the Venus Retrograde in Aries from last Spring spent such a long time transiting over Andrews' natal NN-Mercury-possibly Moon. She found out about the videos in February. They became a source of greater and greater embarassment over the time of that whole transit. Venus was co-joined by Mars and was squaring Pluto at certain points as well. Transiting Pluto is moving into square with Andrews' natal North Node in Venus and then will spend a few years moving into square aspect with her natal Pluto. So, she will constantly be learning to develop a lot of psychic protection and empowerment skills during this time. Hopefully she will be able to use her Celebrity (Pluto) to help other women. (She's already doing that through her job as it is).
Andrews' North Node is ruled by Venus which rules Women and her South Node is ruled by Mars which rules Men so it's interesting to see how this conflict of gender roles is playing out in her life.
Neptune rules Filming and so it's no surprise to see that Andrews' is receiving a stressful transit from that planet right now. The conjunction of t.Neptune-Jupiter-Chiron is opposing Andrews' natal Saturn in Leo. Remember, Saturn rules embarrassment. Saturn and Neptune together can often indicate a victimization that leads to greater sensitization to some sort of problem in society.
And Lilith, crazy angry Lilith who needs female survival revenge Justice, just had to check out that placement. Back in February, Lilith was in Conjunction with t.Pluto which as I said is within conjunction of Andrews' North Node (Destiny). She was also going through a Lilith opposition. Her natal Lilith is in Cancer conjunct Jupiter. The Pluto-Jupiter opposition is playing out here as regards to her fame. She is said to be making headlines every other day with something however not always for good reasons. On July 8, she was hit in the chin by a baseball. On the good side, Andrews has been selected as sexiest sports caster two years in a row.
The current flattening looks a lot like the 92-96 flattening.
Capricorn and Outer Planet thing? Capricorn rules waiting, slowing, and anything cold. Or is this just the calm before the storm?