I grew up around feudal women so I don't really have much faith in "how much better the world would be if women were running it." I simply think that women should be given the same opportunities as men, plain and square, no matter what. Well, now that we've got a serious female contender running for the Presidency I'm watching with glee as all the bitches come out of the woodwork to attack her. And Hillary is fighting back. That's a sure sign of a "B."
But what the hey, this Mars-Pluto opposition has been hammering us all for the last few months so nobody was going to get along anyway. There's this weird avalanche of bitchiness that's rolling through the campaign that I don't remember seeing before. People saying catty, stupid things about Hillary, then CNN treating her like a bag of shit at a debate, then Hillary reacting, then Obama's advisor doing the Monster Mash.
The first Bitches that I noticed in the campaign were actually men. Two guys somewhere, a caucus state or something, asked Hillary for instructions on how to iron a shirt. That really upset me. The next day I called the Dutch Embassy and asked what I need to do in order to emigrate.
So, now it's filtered down to the women and we get to see what really would happen if women were to rule the world. It's looking a lot like the Kitchen at my House during Childhood.
One of Obama's advisors resigned her position after telling the English press that Hillary is a Monster. Is Hillary a monster? Yes. Thing is, the way things are going in this case, if Hillary's not a Monster, then she's going to be a Victim. This is just how it is if you're a woman...and other women don't defend you, they sort of feed off of it with that "I told you so" smirk. Saturday Night Live picked up on it, miracle of miracles. Then, Hillary, brought it up again, ew, it's that Mars-Saturn-Pluto in Leo conjunction, can't just leave well enough alone.
So here's my explanation in Astro Terms on why CNN's "B" is such a god damned "B." Let it be known that we're all "B's" at this point because of the Mars-Pluto aspect in the sky. Either that or we're a "Man" and have been holding a "Gun" to other people's "Heads" and blowing their "Brains" out.
Campbell Brown (two last names, very professional, goes along with "Anderson Cooper")
b. June 14, 1968 Ferriday, LA
Sun 24 Gemini; Moon Aquarius; NN 17 Aries RxCampbell Brown has some instant indicators of Bitchy Lady Syndrome.
The first is Out-of-Bounds Mars. For a woman this means that she's got no problem putting herself out there. It also means that she can't control herself. Plus her Mars is in Gemini and conjunct Gemini's ruler so she's aggressive through her words. In this case, she cut Clinton off at every chance she could get. I'm sure that, in her own mind, Brown thought she was helping the world to realize who's the best guy for the job, simply forgot that she was a journalist. I was simply sitting there blown away by what a Bitch she was. I'll have to say: Really Good Circus. Tanya Harding shit. She stole the show. And, hey, her Mars has been hit big-time by this Retrograde Mars Transit. It's her
Mars Return, after all. Good time for playing intimidation games on national TV with someone who may be the next President of the United States.
The second instant reason why C.Brown is a "B" is Sun-Venus-Mars-Mercury in Gemini squaring her Pluto-Uranus conjunction in Virgo. One can see why she would have an interest in Media and Communications, she's very intelligent and quick. She's also a little bit cold and power hungry. Everything that she thinks that Clinton is,
she actually is. That square to Uranus-Pluto in Virgo ... she can't see the forest for the trees but she does know that she would blow it all up if only blowing things up were a girly thing to do. (remember out-of-bounds Mars squares this and it's been going through its return (fuck)).
The third reason is Campbell Brown's Saturn. It's in Aries, sign of its Fall, and it's conjunct her natal Aries North Node, a little pushy. She's sort of a know-it-all and thinks she's hot shit, but she probably lives in New York and that's kind of how you've got to be. You think she was mean to Hillary, just imagine what she'd be like standing behind you in line at the bank.
Why we should give Campbell Brown a second chance, or at least ask her to medicate for a little while:
Her transits and progressions suck. I already mentioned the Mars Return thing. Also, her progressed Mars is in Cancer. That's super moody. There's also a chance that her Progressed Moon is conjunct Mars in Cancer. Boy, that's explosive. It's also hormonal. She just had a baby and she's probably got some valid excuses here. Air Signs really go ape face with hormonal changes. Plus, she's got Father and loveability issues which she'll probably never be able to confront because of that Air.
But, still, if you're female, I suggest you stay away from Campbell Brown. She's only got one planet in Water, that's Neptune, so she's low on receptivity. Neptune is problematic, apex of a Yod to Sun sextile Sun-Venus. So, she's sort of empathetic and sort of not. It turns on and off depending on whether she's empathizing with all her own angry Gemini-Authoritarian stuff at any given time.
And, so there. I've shot my own wad.
Labels: Aries NN, Gemini