Out the Comet's Ass

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

8 1/2

8 1/2 is the name of a brilliant movie by the Italian Filmmaker Federico Fellini. It is a semi-autobiographical story about a filmmaker who can't seem to finish his movie. It's told in a surrealistic, stream of consciousness, dreamlike style. It's the ultimate mid-life crisis movie. I was wondering if by any chance it was made by the maestro when he was going through either his Uranus Opposition or Neptune Square? I found out that the movie's original title was "The Beautiful Confusion..." Ah ha.... When the movie came out in 1963, Fellini was going through both his Uranus Opposition and Neptune square. The Title refers to how many movies Fellini had made while he was filming it. The next movie he made he did indeed not finish. Capricorns are total wrecks when they let their fears take over (in this case, a good thing).

Federico Fellini

b. Jan. 20, 1920, 9 pm, Rimini, Italy

Sun 30 Capricorn; Moon 26 Capricorn; ASC 16 Virgo; MC 13 Gemini; NN 23 Scorpio

8 1/2

released Feb. 14, 1963

Natal Uranus 30 Aquarius opposed by Transiting Uranus 4 Virgo & Prog. Moon 1 Virgo in the 12th House of Dreams and Confusion (and filmmaking).

Natal Neptune 11 Leo conjunct natal Jupiter 15 Leo squared by transiting Neptune 16 Scorpio (H3).

I pulled up Fellini's other movies and it's really amazing how the "Keywords" from the IMBD database of amazing movie information matches up with the transits that Fellini was going through when he made his movies.

As a Double Capricorn so maybe this gives him an extra sense of timing to the planets. I don't know, it's just a really interesting coincidence. I tried this with a couple of other filmmakers and it just didn't work as well. Fellini's Capricorn Sun and Moon dispose to Saturn which is in his 12th house of filmmaking and conjunct his Ascendant so the Saturn energy is super potent. It's also unaspected (by Ptolomaic aspect).

When Fellini was filming 8 1/2 he was going through another major transit which actually explains the Director's Block. Transiting Pluto was conjunct natal Saturn. Being a determined Capricorn, he simply wrote truthfully about what he was going through. It made absolutely no sense but the movie speaks to everyone who sees it.

Here's a list of some other films and aspects. Watching Fellini movies is definitely the best way to learn about astrology! I should also study his relationship with his wife, the actress Giulietta Massina who starred in many of his films as part of my True Love series but just am a little low on energy right now.

1950. Luci del Varieta (Variety Lights). About 2d rate Theatrical performers. Fantasy is often considered a Neptunian theme, but Grotesques and Carnival types are ruled by Capricorn. These figure strongly in all the Fellini Movies that I've seen. Major transits:
  • 1st Saturn Return
  • Prog. New Moon at 1 Pisces c. t. Jupiter and n.Uranus 30 Aquarius. Trines n. Pluto c. t. Uranus
  • Prog. Venus 28 Capricorn c. natal Moon-Sun.
  • T. Uranus c. n. Pluto in Cancer
  • t. Pluto c. n. Jupiter-Neptune in Leo
1954. La Strada "The Road". Carnival.
  • t. Jupiter-Uranus in Cancer opposite natal Mercury-Moon-Sun in Capricorn
  • t. Neptune c. natal Mars
1957 Le notti di Cabiria "Nights of Cabiria" Prostitution, Depravity, Despair, Hope, Survival, Crooks, Cruelty
  • Prog.Moon c. Gemini MC
  • t. Saturn c. IC squaring n. Saturn
  • Nodal Return in Scorpio
  • Movie starred Giullietta and Fellini's progressed Sun was conjunct her natal Sun.
1960 La Dolce Vita "The Sweet Life" 7 days and 7 nights in the life of a reporter. Life imitates Art / Art imitates Life.
  • T.Jupiter c. natal Venus in Sagittarius (H4)
  • Prog. Venus in Aquarius H5 opposite Neptune in Leo
1963 8 1/2. Director's Block. Artistic and Marital Difficulties.
  • Uranus opposition
  • Neptune square
  • T.Pluto c. natal Saturn/ASC opposite prog. Sun c. t.Chiron & Jupiter
1965 Giuletta degli Spiriti Surreal story about Housewife Mistress, Androgeny, Divorce, Private Detective, Hallucinations, Sex, Spirituality, Infidelity, Vision.
  • Prog. Sun-t.Chiron c. DESC opposite n.Saturn c. t. Uranus and t.Pluto squaring natal Venus in Sagittarius in the 4th house.
  • t.Neptune c. n. NN in Scorpio in H3
  • t. Jupiter c. n. SN in Taurus (rules H4)
  • t. Saturn c. n. Uranus in 6th House
1969 Satyricon. Historical reference to Roman Novel by Petronius. Pirates, Sacrifice, Avante Garde, Emperor, Decadence, Gluttony
  • Chiron Return in Aries conjunct t. NN and prog. Mercury in 7th House.
  • Pluto-Uranus conjunct n. Jupiter in Libra in 1st House
1972 Roma. Semi-autobiographical about Italy in 1940s and 1970s. Plotless.
  • Prog. Moon and t.Jupiter in 4th House
  • Prog. Mercury goes Rx conjunct n. Chiron
1973 Amarcord. Semi-autobiographical. 1930 Fascist pre-WWII Italy.
  • Progressed Lunar Return c. natal Sun
  • T.Uranus conjunct natal Mars squaring natal Moon-Sun
  • t.Saturn and SN conjunct n. Pluto, Houses 4 & 10.
  • T.Neptune approaching House 4 cusp.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Only Breath, Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto was assasinated today. Mars in Cancer opposite Sun-Jupiter-Pluto over the Aries points. This was her Mars Return which included her Sun at the end of Gemini opposing Pluto. I talked about her chart briefly here after the first attempt on her life shortly after she returned to Pakistan in October.

Why was she killed? Over some small difference of opinion between people.

A friend just posted a wonderful poem on his blog that I'm going to add here. It's called "Only Breath" and was written by the Mystic Arabic Poet Rumi. The translation I believe is by Coleman Barks. Rumi's birth data is given below that, information from Astrotheme.

Only Breath

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu,
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion

or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,

am not an entity in this world or the next,
did not descend from Adam or Eve or any

origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved.



b. Sept. 30, 1207 Balkh (Afghanistan)

Sun 14 Libra; Moon 15 Capricorn (noontime chart); NN 29 Aquarius

Neptune in Aries in a Grand Trine to Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Scorpio.
Neptune is also trine Pluto in Leo and squaring Saturn in Gemini and opposing Mercury in Libra.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Joy to All!

This was my Best Friend's favorite Christmas Carol when we were about 5 years old. Frosty must have been either a Sagittarius (Jolly) or an Aquarius (Will be back again someday). Maybe Pisces, sort of end of season. Geez, I hate it when they don't give you the dates. These days he'd be hauled off for child molestation.

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
and two eyes made out of coal
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say
He was made of snow but the children
know how he came to life one day
There must have been some magic in that
old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head
he began to dance around
Frosty the snowman
was alive as he could be
And the children say he could laugh
and play just the same as you and me
Thumpetty thump thump
thumpety thump thump
Look at Frosty go
Thumpetty thump thump
thumpety thump thump
Over the hills of snow

Frosty the snowman knew
the sun was hot that day
So he said
"Let's run and
we'll have some fun
now before I melt away
" Down to the village
with a broomstick in his hand
Running here and there all
around the square saying
Catch me if you can
He led them down the streets of town
right to the traffic cop
And he only paused a moment when
he heard him holler "Stop!"
For Frosty the snow man
had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye saying
"Don't you cry
I'll be back again some day
" Thumpetty thump thump
thumpety thump thump
Look at Frosty go
Thumpetty thump thump
thumpety thump thump
Over the hills of snow

Monday, December 24, 2007

No More Shopping Days Left

It's Christmas Eve (and I have to warn you this is not a cozy, coal roasted, mitten tugging blog). Are you busy ripping off little pieces of Scotch Tape (Registered Trademark) and getting them stuck onto little pieces of ribbon that won't turn correctly into proper bow shaped shapes while the cat is scurrying over and under the paper with his high beams on? What happened to that story the adults told us when we were little kids, "The Littlest Angel" about the Angel who only didn't have a proper present for God while all the other Angels were wrapping up TVs, Computers and BMW's? And somehow the Littlest Angel won because his gift was the most sincere? I don't remember the story. Maybe something about the present being from his heart? I can't remember. May the person with the most debt and best gift wrap win a lottery ticket to sit on God's lap.

So a quick glance at the History and Rise of the Shopping Mall as gifted out by Wikipedia. It looks like the idea of the Bazaar kicked off this craze out in the Middle East. There was Isafan's in the 10th Century and Tehran's sometime after. They were outdone by Istanbul in the 15th Century.

Markets are ruled by Mercury and Consumerism is ruled by (sorry I haven't looked it up, Rex Bills is in the car). What really is consumerism? It's a feeling of never having enough and of the Joy of Acquisition and also the Hunger of knowing that one always wants more. The charts of the shopping malls I'm about to discuss have similar aspects all of which seem to show the true indicators for consumerism. In the two charts with dates: Sun, Jupiter and the Nodes are in strong aspect. Also Venus and Pluto in strong aspect.

The English got in on the act when they built Oxford Covered Market in Oxford, England. Still going today apparently. First opened up on November 1, 1774. By now we all know this means that Pluto was in Capricorn. Yowzah! That means that we'll have an even awesomer Shopping Mall in a few more years! In this chart, the Sun was at 10 Scorpio opposite Jupiter at 12 Taurus. They were sextiling/trining the Nodes in Virgo-Pisces (12 Virgo NN). Venus at 23 Libra (yearning) was squaring Pluto at 23 Capricorn. Venus-Pluto is certainly a power shopper signature representing leisure, power, desire. A Sun-Jupiter aspect is going to be good for growing business and Jupiter in Taurus is expansive for consumerism, possessions.

Wikipedia says then that the first U.S. Shopping Mall was opened in Providence, Rhode Island in 1828 and was called "The Arcade." I can't find an opening date. There are some stories about the construction. There were two owners who couldn't get along and two architects who were competing over the design and 13 of the biggest granite Ionic columns yet to grace a building in the U.S. One column broke during construction and is supposedly still viewable somewhere in Providence. One of the owners almost went broke as well. The Mall was built during 1927 and opened in 1928. On January 1928 Jupiter was in Scorpio, Saturn was in Cancer, Uranus and Neptune were in Capricorn and Pluto was in Aries. The Nodes were in Scorpio and then moved into Libra.

The first Indoor American Shopping Mall was the Lake View Store which opened on July 20, 1916 at 9am. This chart compares very nicely with the English Market because Jupiter is once again in Taurus in strong aspect to both the Sun and Nodes, this time in a square to Sun-SN Cancer opposite NN 28 Capricorn. The Rising Sign of this chart is at 16 Virgo, just a couple of degrees away from the Virgo NN of the English Market Chart. And Venus is conjunct Pluto in Cancer to the degree, both squaring an Aries Moon.

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Betsey Johnson

The older and uglier I get the more I'm looking for a way out. How to retain my inner Hello Kitty. My Christmas Shopping expedition today brought me the answer. It's Betsey Johnson. I never really "got" her until today when I was looking for a drab white scarf and ended up with a pair of multi color mittens with strings and charms sewn on.

Betsey Johnson is a fashion designer most often described as "whimsical" and "fun." As I'm plowing through the Mall it was eating me up wondering what such a woman's Saturn would look like because from the clothes she designs it looks like she's never heard of that Planet. If Dr. Suess had been a fashion designer he would have been Betsey Johnson. Geez, I had to know....

Betsey Johnson

b. Aug. 10, 1942 Wethersfield, Connecticut

Sun 18 Leo; Moon Cancer or Leo; NN 5 Virgo

Sun in Leo, perhaps she's even got Moon in Leo. Leo is the sign of Fun and outlandish showmanship. As a young girl Johnson studied dance and she does a cartwheel at the end of every show.

There are two stand-outs right off the bat to her chart. First is the Bundle shape. All her planets are squeezed between a trine of Uranus in Gemini and Neptune at 29 Virgo. Both of these planets disposit to Mercury in Leo. Uranus and Neptune and Mercury together is a pretty whimsical combination. The other stand-out is the fact that she has so many unaspected planets. Venus and Jupiter are both unaspected in Cancer and there's a conjunction of Sun-Mercury and Chiron that's unaspected in Leo (Ptolomaic aspects).

Saturn's placement in this chart really is very clever. I knew it had to be strongly placed as she couldn't do business without it but couldn't figure out how it completely masks its dour nature behind her other planets. Turns out it's conjunct Uranus in Gemini just within the boundary of the bundle shape. And it's squaring her Mars-North Node conjunction and disciplines the nature of these two with work ethics and organizational skills.

Johnson ventured into fashion in 1964 and became immediately successful. Just about that time, her progressed Mercury was the first progressed planet to venture out of the Trine in her Bundle shape just about that time. It also had moved into Libra, sign of fashion. She was part of the Youthquake Movement of the 60s along with Andy Warhol. In the 70s she ran Alley Cat which was known for its Rock and Roll styles. She rose just as Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction in Virgo which were also transiting along with her Progressed Sun which was in Virgo.

Johnson was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 1999. Her Solar Return chart for that year really stands out at her birthday is the same date as the big August 11, 1999 Eclipse/Grand Square that occurred that year between Sun-Nodes-Moon-Uranus-Mars and Saturn. She didn't tell anyone except her daughter about her condition for fear of damaging her business, sought treatment and has been an advocate ever since. Without a birth time I can't really tell, but there is a chance that she had this Eclipse"New Moon" on a natal New Moon along with a Grand Square aspect. Transits which may have helped with recovery were the trines she was having that year. Jupiter was trining her natal NN-Mars conjunction in Virgo. And this was the year that she had t.Pluto trine natal Pluto. Pluto and Moon together are often indicators of breast cancer as Moon rules the Breasts and both Moon and Pluto rule Cancer. Instead of being defeated this seems to have only helped her to become even stronger. Her shop just took over the old Ann Taylor store at the mall. That's how I found it.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

John Singer Sargent - How to Paint Like a Capricorn

John Singer Sargent was one the great portrait artists of all time. He is sometimes left out of history books because they tend to only include innovators and Sargent didn't really bend the art world into any new directions. His style was modern to his times but mostly he was basically a society painter. He simply did what he did better than other people. Sargeant's perceptions (Capricorn keyword) of color were very keen. He could say more with a single line than most artists can say with a whole picture and his insights into human personality especially with regards to how a person would want to be seen by others was brilliant (Capricorn concept). Capricorns generally live to conform to high standards of society. Madame X is one of the most famous Sargent portraits.

As a way of celebrating the Sun-Jupiter Conjunction on the 1st degree of Capricorn I'm going to list 5 techniques which are said to have been most important to Sargent. It's fascinating how closely linked to Capricornian nature they are. These 5 lessons come from a 1927 biography of him, written by his friend Evan Charteris (I haven't read the book, was told by a teacher that these were Sargent's techniques). As Capricorn is the sign of Career and Capricorns tend to be workaholics I suggest that you get out your paints and brushes and improve your powers of observation while Sun, Jupiter and Pluto travel through Capricorn this next year. And don't swig the Turpentine, that's a fire sign thing.

1. Directness. Painting style is A la prima, paint applied directly to canvas.

2. Economy of Means - Say what you want to say with the fewest strokes. Use the sharpest self-control in your expression.

3. Accuracy of Value - Develop good judgment of Darks and Lights.

4. Attention to Transition - Pay attention to treatment of edges (boundaries) between color, shape and form to bring out spatial relationships.

5. Everything is based on direct observation (perception). Teach yourself to see with accuracy.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Biggest Mouths of the Year - 2007

Yale has published their yearly list of Memorable Quotes for 2007. As the Librarian, Fred R. Shapiro says, "I'm not listing the most admirable quotes, the most eloquent quotes. It's the most memorable quotes." His favorite was the "Don't Tase Me Bro" Guy. Me too. What a cutie.

I wanted to explore for any Astrological Patterns. Here's the List sorted by Date (some may not be exact). I've listed the number of their Order of Memorableness (as determined by Fred the Librarian) right before the quote. That's why the "Don't Tase Me Bro" quote is down in the middle of the list.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and was in its own sign this year. Sagittarius is the sign of Outspokenness and Opinions so we had a a good harvest. Bush didn't even make the list.

The Dates seem to vaguely coagulate around the times of the Eclipses. I'm adding some astro notes to each name, they may or may not make sense. To refresh your Memory we had
2 Total Lunar Eclipses this year:
  • Mar. 3, 2007
  • Aug. 28, 2007
and 2 Partial Solar Eclipses:
  • Mar. 19, 2007
  • Sept. 11, 2007
So the Sun, Moon and Nodes were in Virgo & Pisces in all 4 Eclipses and also in aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces. This really brings out the flavor of the Jupiter in Sagg.

Here we go:

Jan. 30?, 2007, Campaign Trail

#9 - "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

--Joseph Biden, b. Nov. 20, 1942, Scranton, PA
Sun 28 Scorpio; Moon in Aries or Taurus; NN 1 Virgo; Mercury 22 Scorpio c. Sun and trine Jupiter.

Biden had two comments on this list. This early one coincides with a Sun-Chiron conjunction in Aquarius. The 2d comment in October coincides with a Nodal opposition conjunct Chiron.

Apr. 4, 2007, New York, NY?

#4 - "That's some nappy-headed ho's there."

--Don Imus, b. July 23, 1940 1:33 pm, Riverside, CA
Sun 1 Leo; ASC 18 Scorpio; Moon 22 Pisces; NN 14 Libra; MC 18 Leo
Mercury 29 Cancer Rx conjunct Chiron (H9). Apex of small triangle to Neptune-Uranus trine and involved in Grand Trine to ASC and Moon.

Apr. 19, 2007, Washington, DC

#5 - "I don't recall."

--Alberto Gonzales, b. Aug. 4, 1955 San Antonio, TX
Sun 12 Leo; Moon Aquarius; NN 26 Sagittarius
Mercury in Leo conjunct Sun, Mars and Venus.
Gonzales has a stellium of 7 planets, 6 of which are all in Leo. Transiting Neptune was opposing most of them and maybe conjunct his Moon. When he says he can't remember, Dude, he really can't remember. Anyway, he's gone the same direction as another Leo with Aquarius Moon, Barry Bonds who also can't seem to remember anything. The only time you ever feel a Neptune transits is 3 years from now.

Apr. 25, 2007, Washington, DC? Dissing the V-P-

#7 - "I'm not going to get into a name-calling match with somebody (Dick Cheney) who has a 9 percent approval rating."

--Harry Reid, b. Dec. 2, 1939 Searchlight, NV
Sun 10 Sagittarius; Moon Leo or Virgo; NN 27 Libra
Mercury 1 Sagittarius Rx in a Grand Trine with Pluto in Leo and Jupiter in Pisces

May 19, 2007, Interview about Bush Administration

#10 - "I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history."

--Jimmy Carter, b. Oct. 1, 1924, 7:00am Plains, GA
Sun 9 Libra; ASC 27 Libra; Moon 14 Scorpio; MC 29 Cancer; NN 21 Leo; Mercury 22 Virgo (H1)
Carter was having a Jupiter Return in Sagittarius squaring his Mercury-Uranus opposition. Oopsy daisy.

June 11, Arrest for Solicitation in Public Porcelain Facility of Minneapolis Airport and Guilty Plea on Aug. 8, to Minneapolis Police, Minnesota, publicized by Aug. 27, 2007.
Foot tapping (right one) begins in stall next to the cop at precisely 12:16 pm June 11, 2007.

#8 - "(I have) a wide stance when going to the bathroom"

--Senator Larry Craig, b. July 20, 1945 Council, Idaho
Sun 28 Cancer; Moon Scorpio or Sagittarius; NN 10 Cancer
Mercury 25 Leo squaring Mars 19 Taurus. Without Moon or Angle placements this square stands out because it is the only square in Lar's chart.
Lar had a Mars Return this Summer while the problem was pussing up.
Day of Arrest: T.Mercury c. natal NN. Final pass of the Saturn-Neptune opposition happened within a few degrees of his natal Mercury.
Mars Return squaring n. Mercury this Summer.
Day of publicity: T. Mars c. natal Venus-Uranus in Gemini. Jupiter must have been opposing.

Aug. 28, 2007, Miss Teen USA Pageant, wherever the Hell it was held.

#2 - "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and Iraq and everywhere like such as .... and so forth...

--Miss Teen South Carolina Lauren Upton, b. Mar. 27, 1989
Sun 8 Aries; Moon Scorpio or Sagittarius; NN 5 Pisces
Natal Mercury in Pisces might communicate through her 3d eye better than through her crown, especially with natal Mercury squaring Uranus which just doesn't line the words up in linear fashion. Natal Stellium in Capricorn just would rather plan a speech than improvise it. Plus, she was going through her Nodal Return in a Grand Square aspect to Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. It was her Mars Return. Her tongue was racing but her brain couldn't keep up.

Sept. 17, 2007, Gainesville, Florida around 2 pm. Town Hall Talk with John Kerry.

#1 - "Don't tase me, bro!"

--Andrew Meyer, Florida College Student
b. Sept. 15, 1986, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Sun 23 Virgo; Moon Aquarius; NN 22 Aries
Mercury 1 Libra (Aries Point) squaring Neptune in Capricorn.
Transits: It was his Solar Return, or close to it. And natally he has a t-square of apex Jupiter to Sun opposite Uranus (don't tase (Uranus) me (Sun) bro (opposition). There was a mutual reception of Jupiter to Uranus here in addition to a Solar Return. His Slogan has been chosen as No. 1 Motto of the year by almost everyone.

Sept. 24, 2007, Columbia University, New York City

#3 - "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

--President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, b. Oct. 28, 1956 Garmsar, Iran
Sun 5 Scorpio; Moon Leo or Virgo; NN 1 Sagittarius
Became Internationally known as Jupiter was passing over his North Node. Homophobia? Guess that's International except in San Francisco, New York and Amsterdam, maybe the Philippines too.

Oct. 30, 2007, Philadelphia, PA, Campaign Trail

#6 - "There's only three things he (Rudy Giuliani) mentions in a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11."

--Joseph Biden, b. Nov. 20, 1942, Scranton, PA
See above. He started the year and ended it.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I M N INFP. R U? Grrr8!!!!

I'm an Introvert and everyone I know is an Introvert. I just read a fun essay called "Caring for Your Introvert" by Jonathan Rauch in Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004. The essay says that 25 percent of the population is Introverts and that our brains are wired differently. The writer says that as an Introvert he has to adjust his schedule so that for every hour he spends with an extravert he must spend 2 hours by himself recharging. Politicians tend to be Extraverts. George Bush is an Extravert. 25 percent of the United States will need 16 years to get over George Bush's 8 years of running the country. Or something like that. I'm beginning to realize that I may not be Introverted as much as just crazy, especially when I write nonsensical stuff like this. Anyway, Extraverts test as Happier people. When you ask an Introvert whether or not he's happy he'll go off and think about it and realize that maybe he really could be happier. Extraverts will just say "Hell, Yeah! Aren't You?" And then he'll want to go have a beer with you.

Introversion and Extroversion (spellings?) were invented by Carl Jung. He published a book in 1921 "Psychological Types" which spelled this out. In 1921 there was a Saturn opposition to Uranus. Jupiter (Extrovert) was conjunct Saturn (Extrovert) that year in Virgo (Introvert) and Uranus (Extrovert) was in Pisces (Introvert). These are three extroverted planets placed in introverted signs. I'm mentioning them because two women created a famous psychology test that classifies people into 16 different classes of people. It's called the Myers-Briggs test and they decide for you where you fit into the Introvert-Extrovert scale. I took this test in a career placement class. I wasn't surprised to find that I was Introverted and I was absolutely delighted to find that I have nothing in common with Morticians.

This test, the Myers-Briggs test, was created by a Mother and Daughter team who were originally having "a situation" over the Daughter's boyfriend. The Mother was a Capricorn and pointed out that the Husband's personality didn't quite fit into the family ambience. At first I thought, oo boy, Mom's a bit of a control freak but then I read about the boyfriend. The Boyfriend went by the name of "Chief." Nobody wants their kid, friend, or neighbor for that matter marrying a guy named "Chief."

So who the Hell's gonna wanna be attracted to a guy named "Chief?"


No Guess again.

Answer: Libra. Libra will play Cowboy and Indians with anybody just as long as they get to take long drags on the Peace Pipe at the end. The daughter was a Libra.

This isn't the whole story. There a bunch of different tellings of it and I'm sure I've picked mostly the wrong details. What I want to state here is that the Mom, Katherine Cook Briggs, had a natal Saturn-Uranus opposition. (Saturn in Aquarius opposite Uranus in Leo, extroverted). She gave birth to her daughter while there was a Saturn-Uranus conjunction (Saturn conjunct Uranus in Scorpio, sounds much more Introverted, much different generation than daughter). Together they did a very Saturn-Uranus thing I think by categorizing human personalities into 16 categories that would hopefully bring respect to each different type. When I was in the class learning that the Extrovert girl sitting next to me had a lot more options available in career placement I realized her value in a new light. If she had asked me out for a beer I would probably have felt immediately exhausted. The Libra daughter was motivated by the extreme divisiveness of people of the time from the two World Wars. People needed to learn to respect and accept each other again on a big scale (that's Uranus influence for sure).

I'm just pointing out this Saturn-Uranus thing in this blog entry because it seems connected to the good side of the Saturn-Uranus aspect. We have another one of these coming up in a t-square format along with Pluto. A similar Cardinal sign t-square formed in 1931 while the Great Depression was in full swing and can cause the extreme tension that caused the formation of the Nazis rose to power in Germany and will test people at a very basic level of existence (Cardinal). I'm just trying to remind myself that these things can manifest in so many different ways. We just really have to try to use it in the right way. (although I'm clueless on how to go about that myself).

And also check out how Carl Jung's chart plays into this. 1st House Saturn in Aquarius opposite 7th House Uranus in Leo. Saturn is also squaring Pluto, Uranus is out of orb! (I actually wrote this whole blog entry without looking at his chart! and just decided to before hitting the publish button!)

I think Saturn-Uranus combos have much more of a connection to wanting to categorize people in a way that keeps them managed. One can do it coldly or one can do it kindly. Isabel Briggs' chart is really fascinating. In addition to the Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Scorpio she has the Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini (data processing, categorizing). These form the boundaries to a bowl shaped configuration in her chart. So, she was "bound" by all this outer planet energy to understand the relatedness of "The Other." And, of course, Libra Sun fits right in with this.

Isabel tested out as an INFP. And I had to look to see what indicates marriage to a Chief: she had Mars in Scorpio, just like her Mom, actually. Chief tested out as an ISTJ. They were complete opposites except for their common bond of Introversion. Ah, isn't that sweet? 2 hours apart for every 1 hour together ( I think I'll add this blog to the True Love Label.)

Indicators for Introversion and Extroversion in Astrology:

There's the idea that a person with planets predominantly above the Horizon of the chart are Extroverts and those with planets below are Introverts. It gets much more complicated than that. Most people of course have planets on either side and are combination plates. Extroverts often don't have great inner knowledge. They will perceive a hangover as a need to turn inward for an afternoon. If only 25 percent of the population is Introverts then this can't be an acceptable signature as everything below the Horizon is 50 percent of the chart. Americans hate Introverts, though, we've begun to label them as Asberger's Diseased or something. Americans didn't invent the astrological wheel but we did invent the Myers-Briggs test and psychologists tend to be Extroverts so what can I say? The woman who invented the test was an Introvert, so there. What a ramble.

Katherine "Mom" Cook Briggs

b. Jan. 3, 1875

Sun 14 Capricorn; Moon Scorpio or Sagittarius; NN 24 Aries (conjunct opposition of Neptune-Jupiter)

Isabel "Daughter" Briggs Meyers

b. Oct. 18, 1897

Sun 26 Libra; Moon Cancer; NN 3 Aquarius

If interested please look at the charts with the mind that both were accomplished writers. Mom wrote Biographies. Daughter wrote Murder Mysteries. I just think that's interesting.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Turkey Bombs Iraq, Doesn't Tell Anyone

Turkey has bombed Iraq and didn't tell anyone. Turkey is experiencing very strong transits and Progressions right now. According to Astrology Weekly (http://www.astrologyweekly.com/countries/turkey.php) this is Turkey's data:


Oct. 29, 1923 8:30 pm Ankara, Turkey

Sun 6 Scorpio; ASC 8 Cancer; Moon 29 Gemini; MC 10 Pisces; NN 10 Virgo

A very emotional chart due to Water Dominance. Others don't take them seriously due to Pisces MC conjunct SN. This point is heavily aspected right now.

The Transits:
  • Uranus Return conjunct MC (n. Uranus14 Pisces, t. Uranus 16 Pisces, MC 10 Pisces Rebellion, Unpredictability, Surprise // Neptune, dispositer of MC and Uranus is in 3d house of neighbors.
  • T. Saturn c. IC and natal South Node, Progressed ASC is also conjunct this point Pushing Home Borders
  • Long Retrograde Mars conjunct natal Moon (Chart Ruler on Aries Point in H12 (secret enemies), ASC, and Pluto (H1 - power).
  • Mars is also squaring natal Mars 8 Libra in H4. Mars-Moon-Pluto in hard aspect and angular - extreme emotional volatility.
  • Venus Return in Scorpio.
Last but not least:
  • Sun-Mercury-Pluto-Jupiter all opposing Chart Ruler very close to the Descendant.

Both Progressed Sun and Moon are changing signs right now, a time of tension and change. As said above, Progressed ASC is conjunct the MC-IC axis.

Turkey's Progressed Sun has just moved into Aquarius which means that it is identifying very strongly with this Uranus Return. Progressed Moon is on the last degree of Cancer moving into Leo, a need to assert one's self. It's also inconjunct transiting Jupiter-Pluto-Sun conjunction.

Jupiter into Capricorn

Great Balls of Gas! The Biggest Planet of all is moving into the Sign at the Top of the Astrological Wheel. As I write this Jupiter is on the last minute of Sagittarius, Santa goes on his diet tomorrow, for real. Capricorns tend to be skinny people, all skin and bones. I've never been able to figure out if they have no appetite or are just really that talented as dieters.

Went back to the Ephemeris to look at Jupiter's last trip into Capricorn back in 1996. Man, that was a bad year for me. I bought my first and only house which was one of the worst experiences of my life. I bought a tract house by the Freeway in a gated community that was mostly habited by yuppies who raced their BMW's past me while I was waiting for the gate to open. On the other side of my house, outside the tract, 3 single simian men lived with 3 single stereos hooked up to all the woofers and tweeters and bongs you could ever hope to imagine. I hardly slept at all that year due to the all night bass from the stereos. That's Jupiter conjunct Saturn for you. The Drunks and the Yuppies finally found a common ground as my neighbors. Add major Neptune and Pluto aspects to your Sun and the neuroses really blossom.

Seriously, Jupiter and Saturn work with Human involvement in the World as opposed to the Inner Planets which describe an individual's personal life and the outer planets which like to let us know that there's stuff out there that we've still gotta learn about. So, maybe Jupiter in Capricorn is about stabilizing the World. Maybe it won't look like we're going anywhere but we'll be setting up structures so that growth can happen later on. Jupiter likes to do the designing. On one hand he likes seeing his projects taken to the next level but doesn't like the constrictions that are necessary to start the building.

At any rate, the last Jupiter in Capricorn for me was overshadowed by other transits I guess. I do remember clicking my heels together and screaming for Auntie Em. Anyone who would just whisk me out of that Gated Community.

Things got really bad and I sold the place and 6 months after that The X-Files literally made an episode about living in a gated community that could easily have passed for the one I lived in. In the show the Homeowner's Association had harnessed an evil monster that killed anyone who broke the Homeowner's Rules. I went to one meeting. Mostly the Yuppies were giving other Yuppies (Capricorn) advice on how to sue (Jupiter) the previous owners. So, be prepared for lessons on how the World really works.

Well, my progressed Sun is better positioned this time around. Maybe I'll deal better at this pass.

So, this is where Jupiter was back in 1996 along with the placements of the other planets. It was following the Outer Planets who were just leaving Capricorn. Pluto was on the 1st degree of Sagittarius on that year. In this case, it precedes Pluto's move into Capricorn by a month.

Jupiter into Capricorn on Jan 4, 1996, moved out mid Jan., 1997.
Saturn was in Pisces until December when it moved into Aries
Uranus 30 Capricorn and moved into Aquaruis on Jan. 13. Was at 4 Aquarius by end of the year.
Neptune 25 Capricorn - 27 Capricorn
Pluto 2 Sagittarius - 5 Sagittarius
North Node - Libra
Chiron Libra - 1 Scorpio

The Housing Market at that point had already tanked and was just leveling off. Neptune and Uranus had already tanked the Real Estate Market at that point. Everyone was resigned to losing money if they sold their homes that year.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Bettye LaVette

Today on NPR's talk show Fresh Air Terry Gross was interviewing a singer named Bettye LaVette. LaVette is a Soul singer who has a long, irregular career and now at age 61 she's currently having a big comeback. I missed the beginning of the interview and tuned in as they were playing a really amazing Ballad, slow, raspy, great phrasing. That's the most important thing, of course, but then Bettye LaVette started telling her life story. She says she started singing at 18 months. This is the first leg of the five Sun-VenusRx conjunctions within an 8 year cycle so I made a note to try to check out her chart for this configuration later on. I've been dying to get hold of a clean chart that shows if this cycle works in someone's life, an artist would be a great example, especially a female singer. Next, LaVette said that she got her first record deal at Age 16. That's two Sun-Venus Rx cycles. I'm getting pretty excited.

Then Terry Gross asked about some strange circumstances with Managers, they were either killed or disappeared. Bettye LaVette said something like, "For every 5 years there's an interesting story." 5 year cycles = Nodal squares?

LaVette recorded her first album in 1962 and had a big hit off of it. Her career has been kind of erratic. She's got Sun, Venus and Mercury in a 10 degree stellium in Aquarius which doesn't mind sporadic experiences as much as some other signs. She recorded an album for Atlantic Records in 1972 that she thought was great but Atlantic shelved it and even claimed it was lost. For 6 years she toured on Broadway in the musical Bubbling Brown Sugar. In 1999 a French producer heard a tape of the lost album she had recorded for Atlantic and went looking for the original recording and found it and reissued it. The album was a hit and now, at age 61 LaVette is a comeback kid whose had multiple hit albums within the last 5 years or so.

I'm not sure of LaVette's true birthdate. I've found the dates Jan. 26 and Jan. 29 and am using Jan. 29 because it came up more often.

Bettye LaVette
b. Jan. 29, 1946, Muskegon, Michigan

Sun 10 Aquarius; Moon Sagittarius or Capricorn; NN 30 Gemini

Venus wasn't Retrograde when LaVette was born but it was conjunct her Sun. This conjunction is very strongly placed in a Kite in her chart. There's an opposition between Sun-Venus and Pluto in Leo and includes an outer planet Air Grand Trine between Pluto 11 Leo trine Uranus 14 Gemini trine Neptune 9 Libra. Almost all the major recording deals she talked about came when the Nodal Axis was conjunct her opposition in this Grand Trine.

1962 - Transiting Saturn c. t. SN is conjunct natal Sun-Venus with NN conjunct n. Pluto and with Neptune squaring from Scorpio.

1972 - Transiting NN conjunct natal Sun-Venus with t. SN c. natal Pluto. This would have been close to her first Progressed Moon Return. I don't have her Moon placement though. Her Moon may be conjunct her South Node.

1999 - t. NN c. n. Pluto opposite natal Sun-Venus (with long transits of Uranus and Neptune passing over). This was also would have been close to her 2d progressed Moon Return. At some point during the mid-90's her progressed Mercury went Retrograde. Sometimes when Mercury goes Retrograde by transit it is said to bring up one's past. Maybe this happens with Progressions as well.

At any rate, this shows this Sun-Venus connection but not as a Venus Rx cycle as I had hoped. She has a strong Kite Pattern which was heavily affected by Nodal transits along with the planets. The comment about how a strange thing happens every 5 years could also be attributed to the Nodes as transiting squares and oppositions. I don't have the circumstances in order to figure that out.

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Great Website for Learning Heliocentric Astrology

Here's a link to a great website on Heliocentric Astrology by Maddalena Cecchinato: http://www.heliocentric-astrology.com/index.html. There are lessons and sample readings. Both writing and presentation are very clear so if you've ever wondered what that's all about this is a great place to start. Just for starters, Cancer and Leo are ruled by the Earth in this branch of Astrology.

I found the website while looking for information about the Planetary Nodes which are used in Heliocentric Readings.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Do the Walk of Love

Eunice Lopez is an enterprising woman. At Age 26 she has eeked out a living by marrying men who wanted citizenship. Apparently she has married at least 10 guys, maybe as many as 17. She did it all starting in 2002 when she arrived in the U.S. from Cuba. Her last known Altar Walk was in 2006. The story is told here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami_dade/story/345576.html. There's a cute comment about how she seems to have preferred the months of June and November for marriage. Perhaps the Saturn-Pluto opposition in Gemini and Sagittarius had something to do with this, God only knows.

If she's 26, then Eunice was probably born in 1981. That would be a good year for some obsessive behaviors regarding marriage and partnerships because Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were all in Libra, the sign that rules those subjects. 1981 kicked off with a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in early Libra and towards the end of the year Jupiter hit Pluto in late Libra.

Maybe the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is most appropriate because the Mrs. was arrested by the Police last Wednesday (2:35am Palm Beach) during another Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. That gives the Arrest Chart a 23 degree Libra Rising with ruler Venus in the 1st House. This matches the 1981 conjunction of Jupiter to Pluto which was at 25 Libra.

These guessing games are stupid. The News keeps saying that they figured her out by running her name and her birth date. They give her name but they leave out the birth date. Drives me nuts.

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Watched a NOVA DVD called Secret of the Wild Child about a 13-year old girl who was discovered in 1970 in Los Angeles, California. She had been imprisoned in her home her whole life; tied to a toilet during the day and caged in a huge crib at night. She was beaten by her father if she tried to talk so subsequently she never learned how to talk. Her story is available on Wikipedia here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_(feral_child). This girl, Genie, was discovered on Nov. 4, 1970 when her Mother ran away from the home and was applying for aid from a social agency. Both of the girl's parents were taken into custody. The Father killed himself and the mother was let go.

Genie was taken on by a bunch of Doctors and Psychologists who spent the next 4 years testing her, training her and trying to understand language development through her. The video mentions that she triggered all kinds of "Rescue Fantasies" in them. In the pictures shown she is an extremely charming young girl. Unfortunately, her development was impaired by the extreme isolation and abuse of her early years. Her walk was odd, like a rabbit, and she had almost no language skills. The few words she knew were mostly negative, a sign that she had only really heard abusive.

The psychologists who were taking care of her lost their funding when Genie turned 18 and the work with her stopped. She was turned over to her Mother who tried to care for her for a few months. When the Mother couldn't manage, Genie was put into multiple Foster Homes which also couldn't care for her, even abused her. She was put into a group home where she has been living ever since.

What initially caught my attention from an astrological point of view were the Neptunian aspects of this "Wild Child" story, especially as compared with another "Wild Child" story presented on the DVD from 170 years earlier. On Jan. 8, 1800 a boy, later called Victor, around 12 years old, appeared in a town in Germany. He apparently had been living in the forest and was mostly wild and couldn't speak. A Scientist took him in, studied him, and after finding that he couldn't improve his development further sort of cast him off. The DVD discusses how both children were perhaps exploited by the researchers. Wikipedia has a list of other examples of kids who are abandoned and then survive in the wilderness, or are imprisoned in isolation and don't develop social skills. What sets Genie and Victor apart from those stories are their celebrity appeal. The DVD talks about how the timing for research into their problems seems to have been just right for the Scientific community's interest. And amazingly, there's a really astonishing connection between these two because they were both discovered while Neptune was in Scorpio, 170 years apart (a Neptune Return is 172 years).

Scorpio is the sign of Research and Neptune rules Imprisonment, institutionalization, isolation, fantasies, compassion, "hopeless cases." Another Neptunian coincidence is that Genie's case was made even more spectacular and appealing to Scientists because a movie (Neptune) by Francois Truffaut about Victor's life and this movie just happened to have been released the week after The timing is really uncanny.

The two dates for these kids' "emergence" also show other remarkable connections. The Sun of Victor's emergence is at 20 Capricorn. The day that Genie was found the Moon at noontime was at 18 Capricorn. Uranus in Virgo of Victor's chart is conjunct Pluto in Virgo in Genie's chart. (This is conjunct Genie's natal Jupiter.) Virgo is the sign of health and clinics.

Genie's birth date is listed on Wikipedia:


b. April 18, 1957 Los Angeles, CA (not sure about Place?)

Sun 29 Aries; Moon Sagittarius; NN 20 Scorpio

"Genie" was born with a Sun-Venus conjunction in Aries opposite Neptune at 1 Scorpio Rx. This explains both her magnetic appeal and also victimization. Her chart is almost all Fire with out-of-bounds Mars (abuse?). Neptune is a singleton in Water further emphasizing its presence in her chart. Additionally the Sun-Venus to Neptune opposition is in a t-square squared by apex Uranus at 3 Leo. Sun-Venus conjunctions happen every 18 months so this would have maybe hooked into the fatal visit with the Doctor. Genie's Sun progressed into Taurus around Age 2 as well. Taurus is a slower sign so she may have exhibited some sort of change of behavior which alarmed her parents. It was also exactly opposite Neptune for this year which explains the victimization, confusion and misunderstanding and overall bad parenting. I think that Age 2 is around potty training time.

Her Saturn is Retrograde in Sagittarius possibly conjunct her Moon which explains problems through parents; of course nobody would expect to this degree. Both of her parents were older, her Father 20 years her Mother's senior so it would make sense to see a Moon-Saturn conjunction in this chart.

Genie's Mercury tells her story very well. Natally it is at 19 Taurus conjunct her South Node at 20 Taurus. Because of Retrograde it has been in conjunction with her South Node for her entire life. This all squares her natal Chiron in Aquarius. Prog.Mercury is just now moving away from the South Node as she is having her Chiron Return. Perhaps her life will be greatly improved by the attention that the Nova show and websites will bring. The ability to heal others while suffering an incurable wound is certainly strong in her life. The Scorpio North Node in aspect to Mercury and Chiron in Aquarius (experimentation) certainly matches the interest she sparked in the field of Psycholinguistics which studies the effects of psychology on language development.

When she was found in 1970, Genie's progressed Sun, p.Venus and t. Saturn were conjunct her Taurus South Node and Natal Mercury. And a huge stellium of transiting planets, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus were conjunct her Scorpio North Node (research, psychology).

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Quote from Joyce Carol Oates

From The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates, 1973-1982, p. 87:

October 22, 1975

"....Yeats, thinking of how all thought is frozen into something inhuman... But we require these 'inhuman' points or peaks in order to navigate; we react against them, careen beyond them, outgrow them, rediscover them, assimilate and forget and pay homage to them. So long as we live, we move between the human and the inhuman, the temporal and the "eternal," the fascination with time, and the indifference to all things merely timely...."

Joyce Carol Oates

b. June 16, 1938 12:27 am Lockport, NY

Sun 25 Gemini; ASC 28 Aquarius; Moon 30 Capricorn; MC 14 Sagittarius; NN 26 Scorpio

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Carson Daly

The only thing I know about Carson Daly is that he's defying the wishes of the Hollywood Writer's Union and keeping his show going on TV by writing the material himself and hiring non-union writers. I think he has an extremely late night TV show but am not sure.

Don't have a lot of time to write this, but feel that this his chart is very important to look at. First off, it's always good to try to understand why a chump is acting like a chump. But also there's an Cardinal Aries Point t-square in here under heavy transit/aspects that is the same as the Outer Planet Transit t-square that will come up in 2010.

Carson Daly

b. June 22, 1973 9:06 am Santa Monica, CA

Sun 2 Cancer; ASC 14 Leo; Moon 18 Pisces; MC 7 Taurus; NN 9 Capricorn

Daly's natal t-square is Sun in Cancer conjunct Saturn in Gemini which squares an opposition of Mars 2 Aries opposite Pluto 2 Libra. So, right here we see a guy whose willfulness is pretty dominant. Right now Mars is transiting over the apex Sun-Saturn conjunction over the Cancer-Gemini cusp along with his progressed Moon. They are placed in Daly's 11th house. Squaring that t. Uranus is conjunct his 8th house Moon. I guess all this Uranian energy means that he's so rebellious he's going to rebel against the rebellers. I'm sure there's a double, maybe triple, negative in that statement somewhere.

Daly's Sun-Saturn conjunction is in his 11th house of Friends and Groups so this is a very interesting turn-out to see for this chart. Saturn rules his 6th house of Labor too. Saturn brings lessons wherever it's placed.

His progressed Mars is conjunct his natal Chiron which sort of indicates that he is hurting himself by doing this. Both are opposing natal Uranus in the 3d house. So the issue here is writing and publishing and "doing his own thing" (Mars) and "thinking his own way" (Uranus).

Natal Mercury is conjunct Venus in Cancer in Daly's 12th house and squaring natal 3d house Uranus. That's a nice boost for writing and talking but he's really got to watch out that he doesn't create enemies.

I don't know how charming this guy is, but he's gonna have to be extra talented if he's going to make it through these aspects without doing his career in. T. Neptune is conjunct his natal Jupiter-Descendant in Aquarius so maybe he's feeling very optimistic and probably deluded about his relationships with people.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jupiter's Next Pass

I finally figured out what the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is all about. Don't know if you've spent much time around Scorpio-Sagg people. I have. I was born to a bunch and I tend to flock to more bunches. Thing about these guys is that they like to be cool, they like restrained good taste with secretive societies and stuff. I used to work with a Scorpio-Sagittarius woman who complained that she had been raised in a family of tacky people who wore goofy faced reindeers on their sweatshirts at Christmas. It was instinctual for her to know this is ugly. And it's like that in my family. Always in good taste. Well, I come from a family of designers so it was excessive. Our tree was trimmed into special globe shapes that sort of looked space age. And I wasn't allowed to apply the tinsel because I got too excited by all that shiny stuff. What I'm saying here, is that that is what Jupiter-Pluto is all about. And that is why I'm so let down by all the tastefully restrained Christmas decorations this year.

But there is one consolation. I went into the Target last night and all the "Hello Kitty" stuff was marked way down. That's right! It's a boon for all us who never got over how cute "Hello Kitty" is. The stores obviously can't move it off their shelves this year. So, Rejoice World! Jupiter still loves you.

And if that's not your cup of tea. Here's news about Jupiter's next adventures. It looks like Jupiter's partying all the way around the outer planetary block on his 12 year trek around the zodiac. First he'll hit Neptune and Chiron together in Aquarius and sort of anesthetize us and then clobber us with an Aries Point t-square with Uranus, Saturn, Pluto.

In 2009, there will be 3 conjunctions of Jupiter, Neptune with Chiron at the end of Aquarius:
May 27, 2009 27 Aquarius
July 10, 2009 27 Aquarius
Dec. 21, 2009 25 Aquarius

For comparison sake, the last Jupiter-Neptune conjunction was Jan 9, 1997 at 28 Capricorn. Only one pass.

In 2010, there will be 3 conjunctions of Jupiter with Uranus at the beginning of Aries. This will be in a t-square opposite Saturn in Libra squared by Pluto in Capricorn.
June 8, 2010 1 Aries
Sept. 22, 2010 29 Pisces
Jan. 2, 2010 28 Pisces

For comparison sake, the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction was on Feb. 16, 1997 at 5 Aquarius. Only one pass.

This information is from Richard Nolle's website: www.astropro.com.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Wall St. Journal on a New Leash This Week

Rupert Murdoch will take over as owner of the Dow Jones Corporation this week as mentioned in this Yahoo article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071209/ap_on_bi_ge/dow_jones_murdoch. He's spending something like 5B to control The Wall St. Journal and to possibly expand it to include International Markets.

Is this a sign of Jupiter and Pluto hitting each other just as they move over into Capricorn? A little Aries Point Action on the Corporate, Business Front maybe? A Newspaper (Sagittarius) Mogul from overseas taking over the U.S. Stock Exchange (Capricorn).

Murdoch's chart is lit up by the transits like Rudolph's Red Nose. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction will be in conjunction with his natal Moon at 25 Sagittarius and Ascendant at 2 Capricorn. This mirrors his Natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Cancer in the 7th house. The natal conjunction also includes a conjunction with Mars in Cancer and an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn in H1. Strong willed gentleman. And I guess he supports conservative politics and religion and was the driving force behind the Bush Administration. Pluto in Capricorn is obviously making its 1st ultra depressing debut.

Please note more major transits: t.Saturn is close to conjunction to natal Midheaven and t. Uranus is close natal Pisces Sun.

Rupert Murdoch

b. Mar. 11, 1931 Melbourne, Australia

Sun 21 Pisces; ASC 2 Capricorn; Moon 25 Sagittarius; MC 11 Virgo; NN 16 Aries

Interesting to compare Murdoch's chart with Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Board Chairman. Bernanke is a Sagittarius Sun with Pisces Moon and Murdoch is a Pisces Sun with Sagittarius Moon. Bernanke's Sun is at 21 Sagittarius is conjunct Murdoch's Moon. Due to lack of birth time I don't know if they are in conjunction. Also, Murdoch's opposition between Saturn and Mars c. Pluto is laid over Bernanke's Nodal Axis. Bernanke may feel controlled by Murdoch's newspaper.

Ben Bernanke

b. Dec. 13, 1953 Augusta, GA

Sun 22 Sagittarius; Moon Pisces; NN 25 Capricorn.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Clyfford Still

While Gemini deals with the world of concrete ideas, Sagittarius deals with the world of abstract ideas. So it makes sense when Abstract painters are Sagittarians. There are very few painters who I feel completely moved by when I'm viewing their works in a Museum. When I was living in San Francisco I would go into a room in the museum which only hung Still's paintings. It was like being out in nature, or a lot like driving across the United States where there's nothing but vast amounts of land all around. The scale was huge and there was a sense of something even bigger existing just beyond what the eye could see. Really amazing. And also seems very Sagittarius to me.

Still was a 20th century Abstract Expressionist, I think he's categorized in what are called "Color field painters." His paintings were generally very large, full of strong, pure, flat colors in jagged shapes. The paint is very richly implied in thick impasto that tapers down to very thin edges in spots, sometimes to bare canvas. I seem to remember reading somewhere that he made his own oil paints so that he could work with exactly the correct type of paint that he needed. He made a huge donation of 30 or so paintings to a museum with all kinds of stipulations about how they were to be displayed just so that he could guarantee that they would be presented correctly. I know that Virgo is often thought to be the perfectionist sign but I've found this much more in Sagittarius. And in fact Still's chart has strong Virgo-Sagittarius emphasis as you can see below. He has one of the Classical Signatures for an artist with Venus in major aspect to Neptune (opposition).

Clyfford Still

b. Nov. 30, 1904, Grandin, ND

Sun 9 Sagittarius; Moon Virgo; NN 15 Virgo

Wikipedia seems to have updated Still's bio lately with some pretty interesting information. Usually short bio's dwell on his irascible personality and nothing more. Still was educated in Washington state and taught there at the beginning of his career. He and another artist spent 4 years teaching a school that documented the lifestyles of the Native Americans living in the area. His paintings are usually painted in earth pigments, perhaps influenced by interaction with this culture. The other Color Field painters were using the most modern materials they could get their hands on.

Still got his first show in 1943 in San Francisco. He had been working for the War in an ammunitions factory. This must have been a difficult time for him as t. Saturn was conjunct his natal Pluto and t.Pluto and the North Node were opposite his natal Saturn. His progressed Sun had been passing over his natal Venus in Capricorn for the last 3 years. This must have been a time of hard work and frustration for waiting. Don't want to make those Sagg's wait too long, they're pretty impatient. I wonder if this is when he developed his personality problems.

In 1943, the Pluto-North Node conjunction was in Leo, sign of art, and it was trining his natal Sun, so he got his first whack at Fame (Pluto) this year. T.Neptune was also conjunct his natal Mars in Libra (Art, Action) and t. Uranus was opposing his Sun (Innovation, Avante-Garde).

Also interesting at this time is the movement of Still's Progressed Mercury. It had been moving Retrograde in Capricorn until 1946 when it turned Direct. This happened right on the Capricorn Aries Point and might be associated with his growing prominence. I think this also extended the influence of his search as an artist as Mercury essentially remained within conjunction of his natal Uranus for a long period of time, about twenty or so years, sorry I didn't look up the exact amount of years.

The Pluto in Leo transit seems to have really brought out the artistic side of his expression as it was trining his Sagittarius planets, first Sun and then Mercury-Uranus. Viewing Still's art really is a firey experience. The edges of the forms are jagged (Wiki's word) and almost look like fire. His use of color is strong and pure, usually he used only warm colors, basic Black, Red, White and Yellow. You can actually see the influence of Pluto moving into Virgo in the late 50s as he started adding the color Blue into his paintings.

Natally Still's conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in Sagittarius could be naturally connected with a person who is Avante-Garde and Individualistic and Freedom loving. This is made extra potent by the fact that both planets are out-of-bounds in his chart. Mercury is also in opposition to Pluto in Gemini, a generation that stressed invention.

Still seems to have bounced back and forth between the West and East Coast. He was probably most appreciated on the East Coast but needed the freedom of the West Coast. In 1961 he settled on a Farm in Maryland. By then Pluto was firmly planted into Virgo and it seems that his most famous work was done. He died in 1980.

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction

Jupiter will be in exact conjunction with Pluto in Sagittarius on December 11 at 29 Sagittarius. What's it mean? What's it mean?

Jupiter's in its own sign so Academia, Religious belief, Opinions, Lawyers, Partying, it's all good, maybe over the top. Virgo and Capricorn like to revamp and revise. Pluto likes to do full-on demo and then put up something new, shiny bright. What I've noticed in my little neck of the woods, though, is that the Christmas decorations are really understated and dull. It's like we've never recovered from the Christmas that Martha Stewart spent in jail. Or at least I didn't. Wasn't that awful? This is going to be a short conjunction because neither Jupiter nor Pluto is entering into retrograde so enjoy it while it lasts. And keep your opinions to yourself. And I ought to try doing the same...

Since Pluto has a 248 year cycle the last time these two were together was 1758 in October/Novemberish. Maybe that was the year that George Washington's teeth fell out. I checked: Washington was a young buck, Age 26. This article (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6875436/) says that Washington started losing his teeth in his 20s. That just totally sucks. Sagittarius can bring a lot of anxiety, he really needed a mouth guard in case he was grinding, oh well, Cap Moon, what can you say? He probably got his syphilis once Pluto moved into Capricorn and hit his Moon.

What's interesting is that Uranus was also in Pisces in 1758 just like it is now. Interesting that Uranus, with its almost 84 year cycle, goes about through 3 cycles for every one of these Jupiter-Pluto cycles. When the last Jupiter-Pluto conjunction was in April, 1883, Uranus was in Virgo, opposite sign of Pisces. This mutable energy gives Jupiter's place in the combination even more strength and influence. Pluto and Uranus like Revolution and Jupiter likes Opinions and Right Conduct and Mutable Signs don't mind a change of scenery.

I've checked backwards for older Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions in Sagittarius. In 1509 there was an extended conjunction due to Retrogrades which lasted from February to October. All of Europe, India, the Philippines and the Colonies were in a 7-years' War. Please Wiki the year to find out more, I'm certainly no history teacher. Henry VIII started his long rule of Merry Olde England. If I remember the PBS series correctly, Henry VIII was Protestant in a Catholic World, so the Sagittarius theme of Religion was very strong. Uranus moved into Aries just as Jupiter hit Pluto. This changes the predominant energy of the combination from Mutable to Fire. Erasmus wrote "In Praise of Folly." Clown imagery used to mask deep-seated problems of human nature sounds sort of Sagittarius. The Renaissance was peaking showing man's growing belief in himself.

Then the two planets were in conjunction in Sagittarius back in Dec. 1259 to August 1260. Uranus was in the middle of Aries at this point. It looks like this is a major time of change in Asia with Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Hindus and Thais all changing empires and dynasties. Kublai Khan took over the Mongol Empire at this point. And Chartres Cathedral was dedicated this year. The "Treaty of Paris" was signed between England and France which Wikipedia says was one of the reasons for the 100 years war.

Well, this is my Jupiter-Pluto conjunction thoughts. It's happening in my 7th house. No Prince Charming is showing up on his White Steed so I guess Godzilla will be my "open enemy" for the week.

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Friday, December 07, 2007

New Orleans Maternity Ward Hits the Jackpot

New Orleans keeps flooding! Cute story from ABC about a Deluge of Babies that were born in a Hospital in New Orleans. At Oechsner Medical Center the Maternity Ward popped out a set of Triplets, then a set of Quadruplets and then a set of Triplets all within a space of slightly more than 24 hours. The newscaster called it "Hitting the Jackpot." Jackpot? Dang, the Sun must be in Sagg! Yah! along with Mercury and the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction. I just love this Newscaster, he even gave the times for the births. Turns out the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction was always very close to either the Ascendant or the Descendant when the babies were born. Jackpot!

Also interesting to notice is that the Moon (Maternity) in Libra was trining Neptune (Hospital) for the first two births and then had moved on to trine the Pisces (Hospital) North Node for the third birth.

The Sun was squaring the opposition between Saturn in Virgo (Health) and Uranus in Pisces (Hospital) from one side and Mars was sextiling/trining from the other side in Cancer (Maternity).

Gemini and Mercury rule Twins. I don't know what rules Multiple Births, maybe Multiple Planets? (tee hee, atsa joke) At any rate, in this case it's certainly Sagittarius. 10 little Sagittarians with Libra Moons. Opinionated little diplomats. It's a good thing Sagittarians get along so well with other Sagittarians so well because these kids will never lack for a playmate.

1st set: TRIPLETS
born 6:45 am Tuesday Morning, Dec. 4, 2007

ASC 13 Sagittarius conjunct Sun 12 Sagittarius. Jupiter 27 Sagg conjunct Pluto 29 Sagg in H1.
Moon 16 Libra squaring Mars 10 Cancer Rx and trining Neptune.

born 6:24 pm Tuesday Evening, Dec. 4, 2007

ASC 4 Cancer conjunct Mars 10 Cancer Rx.
Jupiter-Pluto conjunction conjunct Sagittarius Descendant from H6.
Uranus 15 Pisces conjunct 19 Pisces MC in Pisces opposite Saturn 9 Virgo, a little too wide orb for conjunction to IC.

3d set: TRIPLETS
ASC 30 Sagittarius conjunct Pluto 29 Sagittarius-Jupiter 27 Sagittarius in H12.
Mars 10 Cancer (H7), 16 Libra MC
Moon 28 Libra (H10)

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Diabetes and Birth Month Study

Children born in August (in Sweden) are most at risk for developing Diabetes later in life.
Children born in October (in Sweden) are least likely to develop Diabetes.
This is according to a study that was performed (in Sweden) over a 30-year period (Arch Dis Child 1999; 81: 143-146). The link is here: http://www.drgreene.org/body.cfm?id=21&action=detail&ref=288.

The Swedish diet is full of fat and sugar. I wouldn't expect a Libra or Scorpio to take to it kindly because Libra wants to be pretty and Scorpio wants to be sexy. The Leos, man, they'll just gobble it all up, the more the merrier, give it to the neighbors, give it to the dog, where's that extra cube of butter?

Isn't Sweden pretty dark, over all? Leos are ruled by the Sun. I wouldn't expect them to thrive in that climate no matter what.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Holocaust Story

While casually researching my Ancient Ancestors last year I came across a book which claimed that in the 19th century Prussia (country sandwiched between Poland, Russia and Germany) the Jews were given some options. As the Poles, the Russians and many of the Germans did not like them 1/3 were allowed to stay in the country if they would convert to Christianity, 1/3 were allowed to emigrate, mostly to the United States, and 1/3 were allowed to starve to death. I haven't been able to find that book in the library ever since so I can't verify that I read this correctly and I'm not sure if this is true or one of the fairytales of my mind. Prussia doesn't exist anymore, I vaguely remember that the assassination of its leader was the cause of the beginning of the First World War, and I guess its history has been forgotten.

Either way, before that I was always just relieved that this quarter of my family had not had to experience the Holocaust first hand. It turns out that the Holocaust was the tip of the Iceberg for what had been going on for centuries. These Riots in Europe and Russia were especially strong in the 1880s.

Last night I once again started Googling about my Dead Relatives and found out more about these "Incidents", or Progroms. And I found an exact date with an exact time and of course had to pull up the chart. What is, after all, a good date and place for harassing a Jew? I came up with a really interesting one especially if one keeps in mind the chart of Adolf Hitler. The indcident is talked about here: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1881JC-pogroms.html.

In Elizabethgrad, Russia on April 28, 1881 at around 4 pm a fight broke out
between the Christians and the Jews. Some Jews fired guns from inside their homes and the Christians retaliated by destroying more than half of the homes and businesses in town that were owned by Jews. The destruction and rioting went on through the next day and another one broke out in Prussia.

There is a huge Taurus stellium in this chart marked by strong outer planet presence as Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter were all in Taurus during this year. These were joined by and no doubt set off by the New Moon along with Taurus's ruler, Venus (plus Chiron). And at the beginning of this rioting the entire stellium was in the 8th House. Libra was Rising so Venus also ruled the chart for the beginning of the fighting. (Moon 2 Taurus, Saturn 3 Taurus, Jupiter 4 Taurus, Sun 8 Taurus, Neptune 14 Taurus, Venus 17 Taurus, Chiron 17 Taurus, Pluto 23 Taurus). (Remember that back on May 3, 2000, there was another grand line-up of planets in Taurus: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In the United States this was equated with the bust of the Stock Market, especially in Technology.)

Mercury was in Aries, an impulsive sign that could indicate an argument.

Mars was in Pisces squaring the Sagittarius North Node. Mars here is a singleton in Water and the Node was the only element in the chart in Fire which emphasizes their influence in the chart. Mars is aggression and Sagittarius is strong opinions; usually broad minded opinions but if based on Religious differences maybe bent a little too much toward outspokenness. This is actually the only Square in the chart so evidently that makes its influence more prominent.

Uranus in Virgo is trining many of the Taurus planets. I'm beginning to think that Uranus energy is more damaging when in a trine than in a hard aspect. (Another example: I pulled up the charts of the recent oil spills and all of them have a strong trine aspect from Uranus to Mars, mostly even Grand Trines.) I think Uranus behaves better when challenged, the detached mental need for reform just goes bezerk when things are going well. Mars likes to rumble no matter what, especially in an event chart.

It's really incredible to match the progressed Chart of this 1881 Incident in Russia in relation to the events of the German Holocaust. The Jews had rights taken away due to the Nuremburg Laws of Nov. 9, 1935. They were forced to move into Ghettos after the War broke out in 1939. Then they were herded into Death Camps beginning in June, 1941.
  • In 1939, when the Jews were herded into the Ghettos, the Progressed Moon (Home) was coming into conjunction with the Gemini South Node (Communications as weakness) and the Progressed Sun was coming into conjunction with the Cancer Midheaven.
  • In 1941, when the first Victims were herded into the Death Camps the Progressed Sun was conjunct the Midheaven to the Degree. This Progressed New Moon on the Midheaven repeats that theme of the New Moon of the 1881 riot. (Prog. Moon was at 7 Cancer c. p. Sun and n.MC).
It's also striking how Hitler's chart compares with this 1881 incident (actually there were other incidents in other places). Hitler was a Taurus Sun with Libra Rising which echoes this chart. He had Venus in Taurus in his eighth house same as this chart. And Hitler's Mercury in Aries is the same as this chart. Hitler's North Node was at 17 Cancer which puts it in the 10th house of the 1881 event chart. The Moon signs are different. The 1881 Riot had a Taurus Moon and the Riot seems to have gone on as the Moon was passing over all the Taurus planets in the 8th house. Maybe the Rioting stopped when the Moon hit the Gemini South Node. Hitler had Moon in Capricorn in the 3d House conjunct Jupiter.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007


California's a great place to live. There's a premium on physical beauty and emotional happiness but don't ask us to finish our sentences and definitely don't ask us to count our tiaras. On Nov. 25 a new Miss California was crowned and was told 4 or 5 days later to hand over her crown not to the next in line 1st-Runner-Up-Girl but to the 2d Runner up, Raquel Beezley, of Barstow. The reason for the mix-up is sometimes given as "An accounting error" and sometimes as "A Counting Error." Somebody either tabulated the judge's results incorrectly or slept with the wrong judge, hard to say. The things that can happen when you've got really good quality marijuana and a lot of ambition.

To paraphrase Ms. Beezley in an interview on Yahoo: "Who would think that with only 5 judges the counting could mess up? There's only, like, five scores?" (That only take one hand).

As far as Astrology goes I don't have either Contestants' birthdays or the time for the Pageant so this is b.s.

Venus was in Libra (Beauty in its own sign) trining Glamorous Neptune; a night to be remembered as far as Beauty Pageants go.

I didn't look it up but I imagine the Sun, ruler of Leo sign of Nobilty, etc., to represent Crowns. The Sun is in Sagittarius squaring the Nodes in Pisces and Virgo. The rulers of the Nodes then again are squaring each other. A gnarly situation, for sure. Guilty planets are: Mercury in Scorpio squaring Neptune. That could account for the fuzzy math and some hanky panky. For sure, with all that Neptune, my pot story sticks; they're all high and really really spacy from all that dieting.

The Moon (Women) on Nov. 25 was in Gemini (two girls) opposite the Jupiter(Luck)-Pluto(Dark Ambitions) conjunction in Sagittarius. There was another catty event at another pageant, Miss Universe?, last week as well, if I'm remembering correctly. Someone pepper sprayed the winner's gowns. These pageants are really warming up. Time to change the name to the Ms. Global Warming Pageant. The Girl with the smallest Carbon Footprint wins. Sorry just had to put that in.

And, Saturn being in Virgo and conjunct the South Node. The Devil is in the details here.

The good part is that both girls are extremely beautiful and the girl from the ugliest place won. Here's a link to several versions of a song called "Barstow" by the experimental music composer Harry Partch in order to give you a feel for what growing up in a truck stop is all about.


Monday, December 03, 2007


I've been walking around for the last 4 weeks with a book I pulled off the library shelf that's called Regret: The Persistence of the Possible written by Janet Landman. I thought it would be an interesting study to understand how to tell the difference between a person who feels regret and one who doesn't feel regret.

According to Rex Bills "Regret" is ruled by Saturn. That makes sense as Saturn rules Guilt and Loss and Sorrow. Capricorn also tends toward Blame so may not own this side of itself. Sun in Cancer, being the sign opposite Capricorn and also a sensitive water sign, might be more prone to expressing Regret. It's a sign which doesn't easily let go of the past. This is also known as the Cancer Whine.

Thing is, the Sun is in Sagittarius right now and it is my experience that Sagg's don't feel Regret. And I don't feel like talking about this subject while the Sun is in Sagittarius. When the Fire Signs rule you don't want to dwell on anything that gums up the works or catches too much moss. And this book is due at the library and I haven't even begun to try to read it. One interesting section talks about different literary approaches to Regret. Here they are. I'll put them on my reading list and then feel lots of regret that I'll never read them:

Romantic Regret: Dickens: Great Expectations
Comedic Regret: Henry James: The Ambassadors
Tragic Regret: Dostoevsky: Notes from Underground
Ironic Regret: Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway

Meanwhile, my head is humming with songs that have to do with not feeling regret. By Fancy coincidence, they just happen to have become signature songs for Sagittarius Singers.

The first song is "Non, Je ne regrette rien" which translates into "No! I don't feel sorry about anything." It was sung by the French Chanteuse, Edith Piaf, a Sagittarius. She sings the song from the pit of her stomach saying that she has no regrets. (French lyrics along with English translation at http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/lyrics-translation/21791-je-ne-regrette-rien-edith-piaf.html).

The second song is "I Did it My Way" sung by Old Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra, also a Sagittarius Sun. Here are the lyrics; you can see that good old positive Sagittarius Wisdom. Enjoy:

"And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full -
I've traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
But now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way."

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Tunes Itself in 2 Seconds

Rex Bills is in the car and I'm not so this entry won't be keyword proper. My announcement is that I now suspect that Jupiter rules Guitars. At least Electric Guitars. Back in March, a German Company called Tronical Gmbh put out a new electronic device that will keep a 6 string guitar in tune. The American company, Gibson Guitar, is now going to sell the "Digital Les Paul" model starting on Friday. This is a special blue Guitar that tunes itself. "Musicians of the world are getting a new kind of artistic freedom with technology that eliminates the challenging chore of tuning." Sounds Sagg-o, doesn't it? No fuss, quick, no need to test one's patience over too, too much. I know that my Banjo & Ukelele strumming Sagittarius Mom would have loved it. Her neighbors in the condo where she lived would have just keeled over dead.

Gibson was the first company to make Electric Guitars back in 1936. I don't know when during that year the first Guitar was born; but, it was called t

he "Electric Spanish." I do know that during that year Jupiter was in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces was opposing Neptune in Virgo. Saturn and Neptune together certainly bring out each other's musical talents. Saturn rules Rhythm and Structure and Neptune rules the Ephemeral. Uranus, planet of electricity, was in Taurus, one of the planets of music. Jupiter in Sagittarius just wants to get down, that's the best rulership explanation and reason for learning to play a guitar I can think of.

So, back in March, when the German Company, Tronical, put out this new advance, Jupiter was once again in Sagittarius. Saturn was once again opposing Neptune, this time in the signs of Leo and Aquarius respectively. Gibson starts selling the Digital Les Paul's Internationally just as Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto will be in conjunction in Sagittarius, the sign of all things International. As Always, World Leaders should take a lesson from Musicians and learn the fine Art of International Relations. Meanwhile, parents the world over will gladly be forking over the extra 900 bucks so that at least their little Starlings' cacophony will at least be in tune. With Saturn now opposing Uranus, I fear for what type of lyrics will be coming out of these babes' mouths.

Les Paul was a Gemini, by the way. No Sagittarius in his chart at all.

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Light Pollution and Health

It appears that humans rely on the Absence of Light at night for their health. In particular this seems to have played a part in the growing prevalence of Breast Cancer since the 1930s when people started being able to work graveyard shifts. A few days ago I read an article in the newspaper about a study which has found a link between the two.

Don't have the actual article but found this interesting link at about.com: http://environment.about.com/od/pollution/a/light_pollution.htm. Apparently breast tumors wake up during the day when there is light and "go to sleep" when there is not light. If someone works at night they are, well, they're keeping their boobs up past bedtime, lol.

It's very interesting how Astrology shows this just in relation to the placement of the Sun. At Midnight the Sun is at the bottom of the chart. By that time, in most locations, it has spent about two hours passing through the 4th house which is ruled by Cancer. Cancer is the sign that rules the Breasts. It is also ruled by the Moon. So, in essence, when we light the sky up as if the Sun were still out, the Moon can't rule her own domain.

It also makes sense that there is a rising health concern over sleep loss. The answer is just too simple. We don't need low energy light bulbs. We just need to switch them off.

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Aristotle "On the Nature of the Heavens"

Just found this link to Aristotle's take "On the Heavens."
